Power Macintosh 7500/8500: Missing Automated Tasks (9/95)

The "About Automated Tasks" Read Me file on the Power Macintosh 7500 and 8500 series computers refers to the following AppleScripts: "Turn on Filesharing," "Turn off Filesharing," "Sound On," and "Sound Off." Unfortunately, these AppleScripts are not included on the Apple Macintosh CD nor are they preinstalled on the hard drives of these computers.
There are two workarounds to provide the functionality of these AppleScripts:

Control strip modules

The functionality provided by all four of these Applescripts is available via the Control Strip software that ships with the Power Macintosh 7500 and 8500.

Install and create additional AppleScripts

The "Start File Sharing" and "Stop File Sharing" tasks are installed by the PlainTalk 1.4 English Speech Recognition software. After installing this software, these files can be found in the "Speakable Items" folder.

The "Turn Sound On" and "Turn Sound Off" files are not installed by PlainTalk 1.4 English Speech Recognition software. However, you can use the Script Editor to recreate these files. The script of the "Turn Sound Off" task is as follows:

on run
tell application "Finder"
set volume 0
display dialog "Your system beep has been turned off." buttons {"OK"} default
button 1
end tell
end run

The script of the "Turn Sound On" task is as follows:

on run
tell application "Finder"
set volume 5
display dialog "Your system beep has been turned on." buttons {"OK"} default
button 1
end tell
end run

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012