Macintosh Client Unrecognized Login Sequence to NetWare (10/95)

Article Reviewed/Updated: 17 October 1995

I just installed a NetWare 4.1 server on my network, but now my Macintosh clients receive this message, "This File server is not using a recognizable logon sequence," when trying to access the 4.1 server. My existing Novell servers did not cause this message. What can I do to resolve this?
First, the situation you describe is not an Apple Computer issue. For support with NetWare servers, you should either contact your network and/or NetWare administrator(s), or Novell support directly.

In summary, Novell has alternate methods of user login authentication which are not inherent to AppleShare. The error message you describe indicates that this server is employing an alternate authentication scheme. From information we have, this appears to be a NetWare 4.1 issue only. The error message will occur when you do not have the Novell Macintosh client software (Netware.UAM) installed which came with NetWare 4.1, and/or you have the default Macintosh security options set.

Here are two procedures to check which may resolve your issue. These are both Novell server and administration procedures that should be done by the support person who is responsible for the Novell server(s).

Install Novell Macintosh Client Software
The path to the Macintosh client software is /PUBLIC/Mac/English on the Novell 4.1 server SYS volume. The file you are looking for is MacNDS.sea, and launch this .sea (self-extracting archive) file. Then launch the extracted installer which will add nine items to the Extensions and Control Panels folders.

* Seven are extensions, they are: MacIPX Ethernet, MacIPX AppleTalk, MacIPX Token Ring, AppleShare (3.5), NetWare Notify, ~NetWare Aliases, and NetWare UAM. Note that NetWare UAM is for the support of Novell's User Authentication Method

* Two are control panels, they are: MacIPX and MacNCP.

Also, please refer to the Novell client documentation which is either online, or in manual form.

From the Novell 4.1 file server load ATCONFIG.NLM by selecting the following menu options:

Configure File Services
Detailed Configuration
User Access Information

Under User Access Information the first option should read:

Allow Clear Text Passwords Login YES

The default setting for Allow Clear Text Passwords Login is NO. Setting this option to YES will let Macintosh clients login without Novell's Macintosh client software being installed. This procedure is less secure because this option does not necessitate encrypted passwords on the network's physical media, and a packet analyzer can read the passwords.

Article Change History:
17 Oct 1995 - Comnbined articles.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012