Desktop Printing Software v1.0.3: Read Me File (9/95)

This article contains the ReadMe file included with the Desktop Printing software version 1.0.3.
Information About Desktop Printing Software version 1.0.3

Desktop Printing Software v1.0.3 fixes memory related problems that occur on Power Macintosh computers that have Open Transport installed. If you have a Power Macintosh 9500, 8500, 7500, or 7200, you may have experienced system errors while printing to a desktop printer. This is especially likely if you have turned off Virtual Memory.

Desktop Printing Software v1.0.3 includes support for the Extensions Manager. All three components of the Desktop Printing Software now appear in the Extensions Manager control panel. These components include the Desktop Printer Extension, Desktop PrintMonitor, and Desktop Printer Spooler.

Upgrading to Desktop Printing Software v1.0.3

This version of Desktop Printing Software is intended only for Macintosh users who need to upgrade from an earlier version of Desktop Printing Software. Desktop Printing Software v1.0.3 may not function correctly on Macintosh computers that do not already have an earlier version of Desktop Printing Software installed.

An installer application is not available for this upgrade. To install this upgrade, you must follow these steps:

Step 1
Restart your Macintosh with the Shift key held down. This will temporarily disable your system extensions.

Step 2
Select the desktop printer icons located on your desktop and drag them to the Trash.

Step 3
Drag the three components of the Desktop Printing Software v1.0.3 to your System Folder icon. Your Macintosh will display a message asking if you want to place the software components in your Extensions folder. Click "OK". Your Macintosh will then display a message asking if you want to replace the old components of the Desktop Printing Software with the new ones. Click "OK".

Step 4
Restart your Macintosh.

After restarting, a desktop printer icon for the printer you most recently used will automatically be created. To create a desktop printer icon for another printer, select the printer using the Chooser. After you close the Chooser the new desktop printer icon will appear on your desktop.

Disabling the Desktop Printing Software

If you are using System 7.5 or later, you can disable the Desktop Printing Software by un-checking the Desktop Printing Extension, Desktop PrintMonitor, and Desktop Printer Spooler in the Extensions Manager control panel. The Desktop Printing Software will be disabled after you restart your Macintosh.

If you are using an earlier version of the Macintosh System software, you will need to manually drag the Desktop Printing Extension, Desktop PrintMonitor, and Desktop Printer Spooler from your Extensions folder to a location outside of your System Folder. The Desktop Printing Software will be disabled after you restart your Macintosh.

Using More Than Four Desktop Printers

If you are using a Power Macintosh, and want to have more than four desktop printers, you must increase the Desktop PrintMonitor memory allocation by 12K for each additional desktop printer. To do so, select the Desktop PrintMonitor's icon -- it's in the Extensions folder inside the System Folder -- choose Get Info, type a larger number in the Preferred Size box, then close the Get Info window.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012