The Speech tutorial appears the first time the Speech Control Panel is used to turn Speakable Items on. After the Speech Control Panel is closed, it creates a Speech Preferences file in the Preferences folder. When Speakable Items is turned on, the software looks in the Preferences folder for the existence of a Speech Preferences file, if there is one there, the tutorial is not opened. Therefore, if you do not turn on Speakable Items the first time you open the Control Panel, the tutorial will not appear the next time, even though it is the first time you enable speech recognition.
You can force the Speech Tutorial to launch by following these steps:
Step 1
Make sure Speakable Items is turned off in the Speech Control Panel.
Step 2
Remove the Speech Preferences file from the Preferences folder or drag it to the Trash.
Step 3
Open the Speech Control Panel and click "On" under Speakable Items to launch the Apple Guide tutorial. There are about 10 panels in the Speech tutorial.
If you want the tutorial to be accessed frequently, like in a classroom setting, you can use an AppleScript to open the Speech Guide file at any time. Copy and paste the following AppleScript into the Script Editor. It can be run directly from the Script Editor or saved as a stand alone application that you can double-click.
AGStart -- AGStart scripting addition is required to start Apple Guide
set ExtFolder to path to extensions folder as text
copy ExtFolder & "Speech Intro Guide" to GuideFile
copy ExtFolder & "Apple Guide" to AG
tell application AG to open alias GuideFile
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