AppleVision: Use Sound & Displays Control Panel 0n 7500 (1/97)

I have successfully installed the AppleVision software that came with my AppleVision 1710AV display, but I am unable to locate the AppleVision Setup control panel. I am using a Power Macintosh 8500. What do you recommend?

AppleVision Setup does not appear as a separate control panel on either the Power Macintosh 8500 or 7500 series computers. If you have installed the AppleVision software, the settings options found in the AppleVision Setup control panel are automatically incorporated into either the Sound and Displays control panel or Monitors & Sounds control panel, depending on which version of the Mac OS you are using.

To access the configuration options for your AppleVision 1710AV Display or AppleVision 1710 Display, follow these steps:

Step 1
Open the Sound and Displays (or Monitors & Sounds) control panel.

Step 2
Double-click the text "AppleVision 1710AV", which is in the lower right corner in the Displays option section.

Although the interface may be slightly different than described in your AppleVision manual, you can now access the same options mentioned in the documentation for the AppleVision Setup control panel.

Article Change History:
05 Feb 1997 - Added new control panel name.
23 Oct 1995 - Corrected minor typographical error.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012