AWS 95: Increasing The Number of Mount Points (10/95)

How can the number of mount points, accessible by A/UX on an Apple Workgroup Server (AWS) 95, be increased?
The number of mount points, that can be addressed by A/UX, is determined by the kernel configuration parameter, NMOUNT. The default value on the AWS 95 File Server is set at 32. Changing this value can be accomplished as follows:

NOTE: This process requires being logged in as root and will involve restarting the computer.

Step 1
Open a command shell.

Step 2
Execute the command, "kconfig -n /unix".

Step 3
Enter "NMOUNT=value" followed by a carriage return. The "value" entry would be the decimal constant for the number of mount points desired. For example, "NMOUNT=40" provides a maximum of forty mount points.

Step 4
Type a Ctrl-D to exit kconfig.

Step 5
Execute "sync;sync;sync;reboot" to synchronize and reboot the system.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012