PowerBook: 400 Hz -> 60 Hz Converters For Airplanes (10/95)

I work for an airline and have a Macintosh PowerBook computer. I would like to be able to run my computer from one of the AC service outlets, particularly on long flights. Such outlets are available on the plane in the cockpit and galley areas. They are 115 VAC/400 Hz power supplies. However, the computer's power adapter requires a 50 to 60 Hz input source. Is there any kind of adapter I can use to make this work?
Apple Computer, Inc. does not provide or support any solution for the situation you describe. However, one company, DLC Research, has advertised a solution in the Airline Pilots' Association periodical, "Airline Pilot". Partial text of their advertisement is as follows:

"...for Notebook Computers and other portable electronic devices. The APA 2000 will operate from any aircraft service outlet -- converting 115 VAC 400 Hz aircraft power to standard 115 VAC 60 Hz."

This article provides information about a non-Apple product and is posted for informational purposes only. No endorsement by Apple Computer, Inc. is either declared or implied. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor, DLC Research, for additional information.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012