How do I connect an external display to a Macintosh PowerBook 190 or 5300 series computer?
When an external monitor is connected can I still run the computer from the battery?
Can I expand the Video RAM (VRAM) in these PowerBook computers?
What is the highest bit depth the Macintosh PowerBook 5300 series computers are capable of using with an external monitor attached?
Which Apple Macintosh displays can I use with these PowerBook computers? And what resolutions can these PowerBook computers output to them?
5300 Series
The PowerBook 5300 series computers have the same type VID-14 video output connector as the earlier PowerBook 500 series computers. This adaptor cable will be needed to connect an external display. The Apple part number for the cable is M3927LL/A*. The PowerBook Video Adpaptor cable is not included with the PowerBook 5300 computers.
190 Series
The PowerBook 190 series computers can be upgraded to have the same video out capabilities that are built into the PowerBook 5300 series computers. You need to order the Macintosh PowerBook 8-Bit Color Video-Out Upgrade Kit (Apple part number M3743LL/A*) to get video out capability. You will use the same video cable mentioned above to attach an external display. The PowerBook Video Adpaptor cable is not included with the PowerBook 190 computers. The PowerBook Video Adaptor cable is included in the Macintosh PowerBook 8-Bit Color Video-Out Upgrade Kit.
Running From The Battery
Unlike previous PowerBook computer models, the PowerBook 190 (with the video-out upgrade) and 5300 series computers can have an external monitor attached while running from the battery.
VRAM Expansion
All of the PowerBook 5300 and the PowerBook 190 (with the video-out upgrade) series computers have two separate sets of VRAM to support the internal and external displays.
External Display VRAM
All of the PowerBook 5300 and the PowerBook 190 (with the video-out upgrade) series computers have 512K of VRAM soldered on a video card for supporting external displays.
The highest bit depth available for external displays at either 640x480 or 832x624 resolutions is 8 bits per pixel unless you expand the VRAM by replacing the Apple video-out card with a third party video expansion card product. If the VRAM on the third party video card is 1 MB, the computer will be able to output 16 bits per pixel on an external display.
Internal Display VRAM
NOTE: The following descriptions apply only to models sold in the United States. Europe and Asia have models that differ slightly from these configurations.
The Macintosh PowerBook 5300 and 5300cs computers and the 5300c (that comes with 8 MB of RAM) come with 512K VRAM soldered to the logic board for support of the internal LCD Display. It cannot be removed or upgraded.
The Macintosh PowerBook 5300c that comes with 16 MB of RAM on the logic board and the Macintosh PowerBook 5300ce have 1 MB of VRAM. This allows for higher bit depth support on the internal display. It also cannot be removed or upgraded.
Built In Video Support
Internal Video Support
The following table lists the PowerBook 5300 and 190 (with the Apple video-out upgrade) series computer models and the amount of VRAM installed in each for use by the computer's internal display and an external display.
No. Colors VRAM for VRAM for
Part # Model # Display Type on Int. Disp. Int. Disp Ext. Disp
--------- ---------- ------------- ------------- --------- ---------
M3135LL/A* 5300/100 9.5 inch 16 Grays 512K 512K
(8 MB RAM Passive Matrix
500 MB HD) Grayscale
M3825LL/A* 5300cs/100 10.4 inch 256 Colors 512K 512K
(8 MB RAM Dual Scan
500 MB HD) Passive Matrix
M3824LL/A* 5300cs/100 10.4 inch 256 Colors 512K 512K
(16 MB RAM Dual Scan
750 MB HD) Passive Matrix
M3133LL/A* 5300c/100 10.4 inch 256 Colors* 512K 512K
(8 MB RAM Active Matrix
500 MB HD) Color
*Note: This model displays thousands of colors, but only in the reduced
screen size mode (640x400).
M4488LL/A* 5300c/100 10.4 inch Thousands 1 MB 512K
(16 MB RAM Active Matrix of Colors
750 MB HD) Color
M3828LL/A* 5300ce/117 10.4 inch Thousands 1 MB 512K
(32 MB RAM Active Matrix of Colors
1.1 GB HD) Color
M3530LL/A* 190/66 9.5 inch 16 Grays 512K 512K
(4 MB RAM Backlit (with video
500 MB HD) Passive Matrix card upgrd)
M3531LL/A* 190/66 9.5 inch 16 Grays 512K 512K
(8 MB RAM Backlit (with video
500 MB HD) Passive Matrix card upgrd)
M4072LL/A* 190cs/66 10.4 inch 256 Colors 512K 512K
(4 MB RAM Dual Scan (with video
500 MB HD) Passive Matrix card upgrd)
M4073LL/A* 190cs/66 10.4 inch 256 Colors 512K 512K
(8 MB RAM Dual Scan (with video
500 MB HD) Passive Matrix card upgrd)
External Video Support
The following table lists the Apple Displays supported by the Macintosh PowerBook 5300 and 190 (with the Apple video-out upgrade) series computers and the bit depths supported with the standard 512K of VRAM installed.
Display Resolution(HxV) Bits/Pixel
------- --------------- ----------
Macintosh 12-in. RGB Display 512x384 1-8bpp
Macintosh 12-in. Monochrome Display 640x480 1-8bpp
AppleColor High Resolution RGB
Monitor (13-in.) 640x480 1-8bpp
All Apple 14-in. displays including
the AudioVision (with adaptor) 640x480 1-8bpp
Macintosh Portrait Display 640x870 1-4bpp
Macintosh Portrait Display 640x818 1-8bpp
Macintosh 16-in. Color Display 832x624 1-8bpp
Apple Multiple Scan 15 display 640x480 1-8bpp
832x624 1-8bpp
Apple Multiple Scan 17 display 640x480 1-8bpp
832x624 1-8bpp
1024x768 1-4bpp***
Apple Multiple Scan 20 display 640x480 1-8bpp
832x624 1-8bpp
1024x768 1-4bpp***
VGA (60 Hz) 640x480 1-8bpp**
SuperVGA (56 Hz) 800x600 1-8bpp**
VESA 1024x768 (60 Hz) 1024x768 1-4bpp***
Note: The resolutions and bits/pixel may be different with a third party video card. For more information you will need to contact the manufacturer of your video card.
* Part numbers mentioned in this article are accurate as of this writing. Before ordering, verify that they are still correct as they are subject to change.
** VGA and SVGA Monitors require special third-party VGA cables.
*** This is an unsupported resolution. It can only be obtained by holding down the Option key when pressing the Option button in the Monitors Control Panel. It may or may not be an available option in future revisions of the Monitors Control Panel.*