DOS Compatibility Card: Cannot Find PC Network Extension (10/95)

I get an error message when I try to run MS-DOS from my Power Macintosh DOS Compatibility Card. The error message occurs after MS-DOS gives up looking for the PC Network Extension, the error message reads "Cannot communicate with PC Network Extension". Why am I getting this message.
The PC Network Extension is a required extension for any MS-DOS networking product to work properly. These messages occur if the PC Network Extension is not loaded. There are two common reasons why PC Network Extension will not load:

1) AppleTalk is inactive in Chooser.

Make sure that AppleTalk is active in Chooser. Turning AppleTalk inactive disables the networking capabilities of your computer. When AppleTalk is inactive, the PC Network Extension cannot load because it is not able to access the Ethernet port.

2) PC Network Extension is not installed.

Make sure that the PC Network Extension is located in your Extensions folder. The PC Network Extension must be in the Extensions folder at startup for it to load. If you cannot find PC Network Extension, it can be replaced by reinstalling the DOS Compatibility Card Installer Disk for Macintosh Environment.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012