Document Convertor 1.0.4: Read Me File (10/95)

This article contains the ReadMe file included with the Document Convertor software version 1.0.4.

What is it?
Macintosh Easy Open is a system extension from Apple Computer that works with MacLinkPlus/Easy Open Translators to deliver file translation as transparently as possible.  Together, they allow you to open a file when you don't have the application that created it (see end of document for list of file translators included with MacLinkPlus).

The Macintosh Easy Open system extension also includes a "Document Converter."  This is a mini-application that can be set up to translate files into different application formats by dragging files on top of it.

Macintosh Easy Open should already be installed with your system.  There are several components in Macintosh Easy Open and the Document Converter which are installed different places:

Macintosh Easy Open...Extensions folder in the System folder
Macintosh Easy Open Setup...Control Panels folder in the System folder
MacLinkPlus for Easy Open...Extensions folder in the System folder
Document Converter... MacLinkPlus folder

What does it do?
Macintosh Easy Open operates behind the scenes to provide three services.

Translation Management
Macintosh Easy Open intervenes in situations when no application takes responsibility for creating a file.

When you double-click on a file that doesn't have an "owner" (the application that created that file), Macintosh Easy Open will present you with all the applications on your hard drive that can open that file, either with their own internal translation capabilities, or with the help of an external translation system, such as MacLinkPlus.  You simply need to select an application from the list, then click the "Open" button.  If the application was listed "with MacLinkPlus translation", MacLinkPlus will convert the file into that application's format.

Once the file is translated, the application that was selected launches and opens the file.  Macintosh Easy Open stores your "choice" as a preference.  The next time you double-click on another file of the same format (for example, WordPerfect PC), your preference will be highlighted in the Macintosh Easy Open dialog.

Note:  The dialog box (above) appears whether you double-click on a "foreign" file, drag the file on an application or choose "File: Open".

Descriptive "Kind" Information
Macintosh Easy Open adds new, more descriptive file information to your Macintosh.  Rather than seeing every file described as "document", you will see more descriptive information - regardless of the applications that reside on your Mac.

Enhanced "Open" Dialog
Macintosh Easy Open lists all files or documents you can open when you are working in an application program.  It also adds larger icons to files.

Document Converter
Macintosh Easy Open provides a capability through its Document Converter to drag-and-drop files onto pre-set mini-applications and have them translate automatically.  This facility makes it easy to convert a file without opening it.  Macintosh Easy Open must be installed for the Document Converter to work.

Each Document Converter translates to a specific format using the file translation capabilities available to your Mac.  You can set up one or more Document Converters by making copies of the Document Converter provided in the MacLinkPlus folder.  Once the document converter is "set", it will always translate similar file formats into its appropriate format.  Duplicate a document converter each time you need to translate a file type into a new format.  Document Converters can be changed by double-clicking and re-setting them.

Note:  Unlike most Macintosh applications, Document Converters behave differently when you double-click on them than they do when you drag a file onto them.  Double-clicking on a Document Converter only sets the translation path.  Dragging a file onto it actually activates the translation.

Control Panel Options
Macintosh Easy Open has a "setup" control panel in the system folder.  This control panel contains four options:

"On/Off":   allows you to turn Macintosh Easy Open's file translation services on and off.  This will not affect the enhanced file information available in the View menu or the ability to use the Document Converter.

"Always Show Choices":  controls whether or not the Macintosh Easy Open dialog will appear.  If this option is selected, the Macintosh Easy Open dialog will always appear with all available translation options.  If it is deselected, Macintosh Easy Open will automatically choose the last translation option that you selected for a particular file format.

"Include Choices from Servers":  extends Macintosh Easy Open's search for applications to file servers.  Note:  Including choices from servers can be fairly slow depending on how many server volumes are available to you and how large they are.  If you want Macintosh Easy Open to limit its search for applications to disks directly connected to your Macintosh, uncheck this option (recommended in most cases).

"Delete Preferences":  deletes your Macintosh Easy Open preferences.

List of Translators Supported by MacLinkPlus
Word Processors
MacWrite, MacWrite II, MacWrite Pro
MS Word
MS Works

PC (DOS & Windows)
Ami Pro
ClarisWorks (Windows)
Professional Write
MS Word (DOS & Windows)
WordPerfect (DOS & Windows)
MS Works (DOS & Windows)

* You can translate between any of these file formats.  For example, Word to WordPerfect, Ami Pro to MacWrite Pro, Nisus to WriteNow, etc.

Mac to PC

PC Paintbrush (PCX)
Windows Bitmap (BMP)
Windows Metafile (WMF)
WordPerfect (WPG)

PC to Mac
AutoCad (DXF)
Harvard Graphics (CGM)
Lotus (PIC)
Lotus Freelance (CGM)
PC Paintbrush (PCX)
Ventura Publisher (IMG & GEM)
Windows Bitmap (BMP)
Windows Metafile (WMF)

WordPerfect (WPG)


MS Works

PC (DOS & Windows)
Lotus 1-2-3
Quattro Pro

MS Works

PC (DOS & Windows)
MS Works (DOS & Windows)

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012