PowerBook 190 & 5300: Norton Util Reports Wrong Speed (10/95)

I ran Norton Utilities 3.1 and it reported that my supposedly 100Mhz Macintosh Powerbook 5300cs is running at 87MHz! What's wrong? Does my computer need service?
Apple has been informed by Symantec, the company that owns Norton Utilities, that the reason for the error you experienced is that they did not have the correct Gestalt call implemented in their software for this Macintosh PowerBook computer when they wrote the latest version of Norton Utilities. This is why Norton Utilities reports the wrong speed for your PowerBook 5300 computer and some other new PowerBook computers like the Powerbook 190.

A Gestalt call is implemented in many software applications by programmers to allow the application to find out if a certain feature is available on the computer on which it is running. In your case, Norton Utilities was checking the processor speed, but did not send the correct Gestalt call to get the right answer. So, for example, if a programmer is writing a program that requires a Floating Point Unit (FPU) they can do a Gestalt call at the beginning of their program and the computer will tell them whether it has one or not. That way they can tell the user sorry you have no FPU this program requires one, instead of making a direct call to the which would generate an error since the machine does not have one.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012