PlainTalk 1.4.1: No Sound Speakable Items Enabled

I just installed PlainTalk 1.4.1 on my Macintosh Performa 6200. When I turn on Speakable Items in the Speech Control Panel, I no longer hear any sound from my computer. The speech recognition is working and executing the commands I speak, but there are no feedback sounds or system beeps playing from my speaker. It is as if my speakers are muted. I checked the Sound control panel, and it is set at full output volume to the internal speaker of the computer.
This issue has been resolved in PlainTalk 1.5, which is available from Apple Software Updates. The following computers require PlainTalk 1.5 in order to properly use speech recognition:

* Macintosh 5200CD family: Macintosh 5200/75 LC, Performa 5200, Performa 5210, Performa 5215, and Performa 5220.

* Macintosh 5300CD family: Macintosh 5300/100 LC, Performa 5300.

* Macintosh 6200CD family: Performa 6200, Performa 6214, Performa 6216, Performa 6218, Performa 6220, and Performa 6230.

* Macintosh 6300CD family: Performa 6300, Performa 6290

Note: PlainTalk and Speech to Text updates can be downloaded from Apple Software Updates at:
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012