PowerBook & Power Mac: RAM Doubler Compatibility Issue (2/96)

My new PowerBook 5300 computer has been freezing at startup since I installed the latest version of RAM Doubler.

Connectix Corporation, the maker of RAM Doubler, acknowledges that there is a compatibility issue with version 1.5.2 of their RAM Doubler application with some PowerBook computers.

The compatibility issue mentioned here affects the Macintosh PowerBook 2300, 5300, 5300c, 5300cs and 5300ce series computers and Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500 computers.

This issue does not affect any other desktop Macintosh computers, any earlier model PowerBook computers, or the PowerBook 190 and 190cs series computers. Other Connectix programs, such as Speed Doubler and Maxima, have no compatibility issues with the Macintosh PowerBook computers mentioned here.


According to Connectix, RAM Doubler version 1.6.1 and Speed Doubler version 1.1 are both fully compatible with the Macintosh PowerBook 5300 series computers. If a customer is not up to date, they can download a current updater from the Connectix web site (www.connectix.com) or from any online service.

The issue with these desktop Power Macintosh computers can be resolved by installing RAM Doubler 1.5.3 or later (available from Connectix).


If you have RAM Doubler version 1.5.2 and you cannot immediately get version 1.6.1, you should remove RAM Doubler from your operating system.

Step 1
To remove RAM Doubler startup your computer with the extensions off by pressing on and holding down the shift key and the tilde (~) key during startup.

Note: You need to hold down both keys because the shift key alone will not disable RAM Doubler.

Step 2
Insert the RAM Doubler disk and use the Installer to de-install the application.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor, Connectix, for additional information.

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Article Change History:
15 Feb 1996 - Updated RAM Doubler version compatibility information.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012