Open Transport 1.0.8 Read Me

This article is the Open Transport 1.0.8 Read Me file.

Open Transport 1.0.8 was released on Oct 25 1995. It can be found in Apple Software Updates at .
What is this version of Open Transport?

Open Transport 1.0.8 is a maintenance release of Open Transport networking software.

What Macintosh systems are able to use this software?
Open Transport 1.0.8 is designed for installation on Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500 computers that have Open Transport version 1.0.6 or 1.0.7 and System Software 7.5.2 version 2 installed. If you have a Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, or 8500, the correct version of system software is already installed. If you have a Power Macintosh 9500, check to see if "System Enabler 1.1" is in your System Folder. If you have System Enabler 1.1, you have System Software 7.5.2 version 2.

Who needs this software?
Anyone that has a Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, or 9500 computer and is experiencing one or more of the problems described below.

What has changed in this release?
This section documents only the changes made since version 1.0.7. Changes made in earlier updates have been documented in the Read Me files accompanying each version.

Changes to Open Transport AppleTalk software

* DDP CheckSum
Open Transport DDP now properly handles a checksum of $FFFF. In earlier
versions, the computer could appear to freeze because packets with a
checksum of $FFFF were rejected.

* QuickMail out of sockets
When attempting to verify addresses with the QuickMail 3.0.4 client,
the software would display the error message: "NameServer Communications
Error. Try again, or increase time outs for NameServer using QM Time
outs." This bug has been fixed.

Changes to Open Transport TCP/IP software

* BootP
Corrected a bug in the TCP/IP control panel that could, under some
circumstances, prevent accepting the gateway and domain name server
addresses provided by a BootP server.

* Eudora e-mail
Problems with sending mail from Eudora when using SLIP or PPP have been

* Aborting Netscape Connections
Aborting Netscape connections sometimes caused a crash when using Open
Transport. This problem has been fixed.

* DHCP/Windows NT
Previous versions of Open Transport TCP/IP software were able to obtain

an IP address and subnet mask, but no other settings, from Windows NT
DHCP servers. With this release, Open Transport TCP/IP explicitly
requests a domain name, default gateway address, domain name server
address, subnet mask, and subnet broadcast address in addition to an IP

Printing Problem with System 7.5.2
On Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500 computers using System 7.5.2, it may be necessary to restart your computer if you attempt to print to a network-based printer that is already busy. The file "7.5.2 Printing Fix," which solves this problem, is available in the Apple Software Updates areas on the services:

* America Online - keyword: applecomputer

* CompuServe - GO APLSUP

* Internet -
- Worldwide Web:

Compatibility Problem with MacPPP and FreePPP
Power Macintosh computers using Virtual Memory (including RAM Doubler) may crash when using MacPPP 2.1.2SD or FreePPP (1.0 and 1.0.1). The crash occurs when opening a PPP connection or during a data transfer. To avoid this problem, turn off Virtual Memory.

This problem is not related to Open Transport, and is expected to be addressed in a later release of FreePPP. To find out when the next FreePPP release is available, look for an announcement in the comp.sys.mac.comm newsgroup. The next version of FreePPP is expected to be available for ftp from the /comm/tcp/ directory of the InfoMac archives.

How do I install the software?
Open Transport 1.0.8 is delivered as a full installation of the Open Transport software; unlike some previous updates, there is no patching application supplied. To install Open Transport 1.0.8, run the Installer script supplied by following these steps:

1) Open the OT 1.0.8 folder.

2) Double-click the Installer icon.

3) In the Welcome box that appears, click OK.

4) In the Easy Install box, make sure the disk named is the disk you want
to install Open Transport on, then click Install.

5) When the installation is finished, click Restart to restart your
computer in order to use Open Transport 1.0.8.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012