Open Transport 1.1.2 is now available, and Apple recommends upgrading to it. Also refer to Open Transport 1.1 Reference Questions and Answers Tech Info Library articles for the most recent information.
Answer: Here is the current list of online locations for Open Transport, as well as other Apple Software updates.
* On the Internet at the following sites:
- Worldwide Web:
- ftp:
* On America Online, use keyword: applecomputer
* On CompuServe, use GO: APLSUP
Question: Will Apple port Open Transport to Windows or UNIX?
Answer: Apple does not plan to port Open Transport to other operating systems. Rather, Open Transport is based on Apple porting three existing, cross-platform industry standards to the Mac OS. These standards have their roots in the UNIX community and experienced UNIX network developers will find themselves "right at home" when developing for Open Transport.
Question: What about Windows developers? What about Windows Sockets?
Answer: NetManage, the leading developer of TCP/IP protocols and applications for DOS and Windows, has announced plans to develop and offer Windows Socket tools for Mac OS, to provide access to Open Transport/TCP and MacTCP services via the Windows Sockets (Winsock 1.1) API.
Additional details of this announcement will be made public at a later date.
Question: With both XTI and Windows Sockets available for Open Transport, which API should a developer use?
Answer: The choice of API will depend upon a developer's background, experience, and goals. For developers with a background in UNIX, a need for POSIX compliance, or a need to deploy an application across Mac OS and UNIX systems, XTI is the logical choice. For developers with a background on Microsoft Windows, or a need to deploy an application across Mac OS and Windows, Windows 95, and/or Windows 95 systems, the planned Winsock tools from NetManage will provide an attractive cross-platform alternative.
Apple is committed to XTI and will focus development on transport independence around this API. Macintosh developers now using classic AppleTalk or MacTCP APIs are encouraged to move to Open Transport XTI API.