DOS Compat Card: Sharing Files Between Environments (10/95)

How can I share files between the Macintosh and PC environments of my Macintosh DOS Compatible computer? What steps do I need to take to set this up?
To transfer files between the Macintosh and PC environments of your Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible computer, follow the steps provided below:

Step 1
Make sure the DOS Compatibility Card Installer Disk for DOS environment has been installed. At the C:\\> prompt, enter this command:

MEM /C /P then press return.

This command lists all drivers currently resident in DOS memory. If you see APPLEPC, DOSCLIP, and MACSHARE, then your DOS Compatibility Card Installer Disk for DOS Environment is already installed. If you do not see these modules listed, look for Installing additional PC software in the "DOS Compatibility Card for Macintosh User's Guide."

Step 2
Make sure that you have a LASTDRIVE statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. Have a line somewhere in your CONFIG.SYS file as shown below:


Step 3
Create a new folder in the Macintosh environment, and give it a descriptive name, something like, DOS TRANSFER.

Step 4
Open the PC Setup control panel. Look for the pop-up menu labeled Sharing, and select one of the available DOS drive letters. A dialog box appears, letting you select the folder that you have made for sharing files with the PC environment. If you want the connection to be permanent, select the checkbox labeled Share every time PC is started.

NOTE: An entire volume can be shared in this manner also.

You can now save or read files back and forth between the Macintosh and PC environments. You can save files to the folder created in step 3 from the Macintosh environment and access these files from the PC environment, or the other way around, save files from the PC environment and access these files from the Macintosh environment. For more information on shared folders and volumes, look for Choosing shared folders or volumes in the "DOS Compatibility Card for Macintosh User's Guide."

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012