ISDN Line Ordering and Configuration Parameters (3/96)

This article describes ISDN ordering and configuration parameters for QuickTime Conferencing H.320/ISDN products when used with United States telephone lines.
This is a summary of the types of ISDN lines supported by phone companies. All Apple QuickTime Conferencing H.320/ISDN products work with all ISDN switch types (AT&T, Northern Telecom, and Siemens). The ISDN lines offered by your telephone company may differ from region to region. If you are given the choice of line types, order the National ISDN-1 or NI-1 configuration.

Follow the guidelines below when ordering the specific type of line you choose. You may want to copy the guidelines and fax them to your ISDN service provider to expedite the ordering process.

National ISDN-1 (NI-1)

Service Type:

Maximum Number of B Channels2
TEI AssignmentDynamic
Packet ModeNo
Number of Call Appearances1 if you choose CSD/V; otherwise none.
Terminal TypeA (basic call terminal)
Protocol Version Control (PVC)2 (on Northern Telecom lines only)
EKTSNo requirement
Service Profile Identification Numbers (SPIDs)2 (one per B-channel)

Make sure you receive the correct Service Profile Identification Numbers (SPIDs) with your ISDN line. Also make sure your ISDN provider informs you which B Channel has voice capabilities.

Optional: Order Call Forwarding Busy for both B channels if you have ordered an ISDN line with 2 Directory (Telephone) Numbers. This will forward a call to an open B channel if the called B channel is in us.

NOTE: For 5ESS National Internet (NI-1) lines it is possible to order a NI-1 ISDN line with only one Directory Number. This circumvents the issue of having to forward calls to an unused B channel. For Northern Telecom DMS-100 ISDN lines (both NI-1 and Custom) you must have two Directory Numbers, therefore the call forwarding option is desired.

AT&T Custom 5ESS (5E6, 5E7, 5E8, and 5E9)

Service Type:

Maximum Number of B Channels2
Line ConfigurationPoint-to-point
TEI AssignmentDynamic
Packet ModeNo
Number of Call Appearances1 if you choose CSD/V; otherwise none.
Terminal TypeD if you choose CSD/V; otherwise A (basic call terminal)
Bearer Service RestrictionsNone (DMD on both channels)
EKTSNo requirement

NOTE: The information in this section is for custom 5ESS lines only. If you can order a 5ESS line that is configured to the National ISDN-1 standard, please refer to the guidelines for setting up a National ISDN-1 line above.

Northern Telecom DMS Custom (With BCS-33 Through BCS-36)

Service Type:

Maximum Number of B Channels2 (with SPIDs)
TEI AssignmentDynamic
Terminal TypeA (basic call terminal)
Bearer Service RestrictionsNone
Ring IndicatorYes
EKTSNo requirement
Authorized Call TypesCMD
MXKNot applicable, or default

Make sure you receive the correct Service Profile Identification Numbers (SPIDs) with your ISDN line. Also make sure your ISDN provider informs you which B Channel has voice capabilities.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012