System 7.5: Startup Items Launch Order (11/95)

If I put several different items in the Startup Items folder of my System 7.5 Folder, how does the operating system determine the launch order?
This is how the System 7.5 Finder handles opening the items in the Startup Items folder.

After the Finder finishes loading at startup it "selects" all the items and executes an open items command. Next, the Finder groups everything into one of five classes: applications, documents, stationery, folders, and aliases. Aliases are resolved to their original item and then the resulting items are launched in the following order:

1) Applications
- Alphabetically

2) All documents with the same creator
- Alphabetically.
- Documents created by an application that is also in the list are opened when the application is launched, before other documents and before other applications.
- The Finder checks for stationery unaware applications or applications that do not automatically duplicate a file that has the Stationery pad option checked in its information window. If the Finder finds any stationery unaware applications and it is opening a stationery file for one of those applications, it duplicates the file before it starts launching any applications. The Finder then opens these duplicated files last, even though they may come alphabetically before other files.

3) Remaining documents
- Alphabetically.

4) Everything else
- Sounds, folders, control panels, and font suitcases are opened alphabetically.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012