ImageWriter: Print Fades Intermittently

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Printing is fine most of the time, then the
print will fade. After a space of 15 or so characters, the print
density returns. The location of the print fade can happen anywhere
on the document.

CAUSE 1: If the ribbon cartridge may not be a genuine
Apple cartridge, the ribbon may fit loosely in the ribbon mechanism.
This causes the clutch on the ribbon to slip when it turns to advance
the ribbon.

FIX: Replace third party ribbon with a genuine Apple ribbon.

CAUSE 2: The ribbon may be catching on the screw which fastens the
paperguide in place.

FIX: Tighten or replace the screw as appropriate.

CAUSE 3: The springs part numbers 970-0063 and 970-0064 may be misplaced.
These springs have different tensions. Spring 970-0063 is the one with
a greater tension. When misplaced it will cause the gear 970-0061 to

FIX: Check the tension of the springs and install them in
their proper place. After repair, reinstall all the parts in the
carriage and run Self Test to check for proper operation of the printer.

If the above cure doesn't fix the problem, search on GTS and the
product's name to obtain a general troubleshooting procedure.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012