The following technical explanations may assist you in identifying the
difference between a display problem, computer problem, or normal display
Horizontal Lines
Customer Issue:
Display has 2 horizontal lines in the screen one-third of the way down and one-quarter of the way up
This is the stabilization wires common to every Trinitron display. The construction of a Trinitron CRT includes one or two horizontal wires about one-quarter to one-third of the way down/up from the top/bottom of the display image. The wire appears as a very thin light gray horizontal line across the entire width of the display image. The lines are common to all Trinitron displays. All replacement displays have the same lines.
Thin Red Line on Display
Customer Issue:
Thin red line on the outer left, outer right or top of the display.
Display convergence may need to be adjusted. This can be performed by the customer. If convergence is misadjusted, a color line, usually red or blue, on one or more sides of the display image appears. Convergence is adjusted using the Sounds & Displays control panel.
No CRT display device has perfect geometry (image shape) and convergence. Convergence should be adjusted for the best overall screen performance. A display with perfect convergence in one area of the screen may have slight misconvergence in another area (the adjustment should be made to have the best convergence balance over the entire screen). If the customer can make adjustments so the convergence is within a half millimeter, the display is working correctly.
Display Changes From Yellow to Red
Customer Issue:
Monitor changes from yellow to red approximately every 5 minutes and there are flickering horizontal lines every 10 seconds.
The display and the Macintosh computer attached to it should be checked by an authorized Apple Service provider. The problem described could be caused by a variety of problems including the video card, cable and connector, and display circuitry among other components. The entire system should be checked to properly isolate the problem.
Article Change History:
02 May 1996 - Revised discussion to include current information.