2. Reset the computers parameter random access memory (PRAM). To do this in System 7 or later, press and hold the command, option, P, and R keys while restarting the computer. Continue pressing these keys until you hear the startup chime a second time, then release the keys. Once the computer has finished its startup process, open the PC Setup control panel. You should receive a dialog indicating the PC software did not load properly, click OK, close the PC Setup control panel, and restart the computer. Insert a floppy disk and try to read or write from the PC environment. If this does not resolve the issue continue to the next step.
3. Create a new PC drive container, and install DOS onto it. Start the PC environment from the new container just created as the C: drive. Insert a floppy disk and try to read or write from the PC environment. If this resolves the issue, use this new container as your C: drive. For help on creating a new drive container, refer to Creating a Drive Container on page 32 of the "DOS Compatibility Card for Macintosh User's Guide." If this does not resolve the issue continue to the next step.
4. Perform a clean installation of the Mac OS software for the Macintosh environment. Also re-install the software from the DOS Compatibility Card installer disk for Macintosh. For assistance, see Installing Macintosh OS Software on page 31 of the "DOS Compatibility Card for Macintosh User's Guide."