Power Macintosh 5200, 5300, and 6200: Read Me (12/95)

Article Reviewed/Updated: 18 December 1995

This is the Read Me file for the Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC, 5300/100 LC, and the 6200/75 LC series computers.
Important Information About Your Macintosh

Congratulations on purchasing your computer. This document adds to and updates the information in the manual that came with your computer. It is a good idea to read this document now, and keep a copy handy for future reference.

System Software CD (or Disks)
Your Macintosh came with system software on either a CD or floppy disks. Since this software is also installed on your hard disk, you won't need to use the system software CD or disks unless you have a problem with your system software. If you need to reinstall system software, be sure to start with the Apple Macintosh CD (or the Install Disk 1 floppy disk). For instructions, see the information on installing system software in your user's guide.

Note: The CD contains all the information from all the system software disks (and possibly, some additional programs). If you received a system software CD, use your CD in any steps that refer to a specific disk mentioned below.

Disk Tools Disk
Your Apple Macintosh CD also includes utilities for formatting and repairing hard disks. (Alternately, if you received a system software disk set, one of the disks is the Disk Tools disk). Don't use the Apple Macintosh CD or Disk Tools disk during your normal computer use, or regularly start up your computer using the CD or disk. (If you do, your computer may not operate properly.)

Your Internal Hard Disk and the Drive Setup Program
Your computer's internal hard disk is based on IDE (Integrated Device Electronics) technology. You can use the Drive Setup application program included on your Apple Macintosh CD or Disk Tools disk to check your internal IDE hard disk for damage (and to format the disk if you ever need to do so). Some utility programs, such as Apple HD SC Setup, will not work with IDE hard disks. Before you purchase any hard disk utility program for this computer, make sure it's compatible with IDE hard disks.

Note: If you start your computer from an external SCSI hard drive and�?while attempting to reinitialize your internal hard disk�?receive a message that initialization failed, check to make sure you do not have filesharing or a modem turned on. If you do, turn off filesharing or the modem and try the reinitialization again.

Apple Video Player
The Apple Video Player lets you view video and capture video images or sequences if you have a video input card installed in your Macintosh. Additionally, if you have a TV tuner card installed, you can also watch TV, capture TV images or sequences on your computer, and manage channel access. Apple Video Player comes installed on your computer's hard disk. See the Read Me file in the Apple MPEG Media Software 1.0, MPEG Software, Video Software folder for more information on Apple Video Player.

Video viewing and video capture are supported in windows sized up to 640 x 480 pixels. Turn off virtual memory when capturing video and record in Smallest window size for best results.

For the highest-quality video (and TV) viewing and video capture, use the standard video window sizes (Smallest, Normal, or Largest) in Apple Video Player's Windows menu. If you customize the window size (by choosing Other in the Windows menu), the image's resolution will decrease.

Video resolution is best when you view the Apple Video Player video window on the monitor connected to the monitor port on your Macintosh. You can drag the video window to a secondary monitor (connected to an expansion card), but the image resolution will decrease.

Reinstalling the MPEG Media System Software or Apple Video Player Software

To install the latest MPEG, Apple Video Player, and CD-ROM Software

Step 1
Double click on the "Installer" icon in the Apple MPEG Media Software 1.0 folder. The installer dialog will appear on your screen.

Step 2
Click on the "Install" button. The MPEG Media System, CD-ROM, and Apple Video Player software will be automatically installed.

Step 3
When the installer has finished copying the software to your system, it will force a restart of the machine.

To install only the Apple Video Player Software

Step 1
Double click on the "Installer" icon in the Apple MPEG Media Software 1.0 folder. The installer dialog will appear on your screen.

Step 2
In the upper left corner of the installer dialog select "Custom Install" from the pop-up menu.

Step 3
The custom install screen will appear.

Step 4
Click on the "Apple Video Player" checkbox.

Step 5
Click on the "Install" button. The Apple Video Player software will be automatically installed.

Step 6
When the installer has finished copying the software to your system, it will force a restart of the machine.

Apple Video Player Hot Key
The Apple Video Player application program allows you to use a keyboard shortcut (called a "hot key") to open and quit the program, and to switch between Apple Video Player and any other open programs. Due to potential incompatibility problems, the Hot Key is not enabled by default. To select a Hot Key setting, launch the Apple Video Player from the Apple menu (­). Select the "Hot Key╔" menu item from the "Setup" menu. In response to the dialog that appears, simply press the key combination you want to use to turn Apple Video Player on and off.

Apple Video Player Closed Captioning
If you have a TV tuner card, the Apple Video Player application program can display closed captions for TV channels that provide them. To see closed captions on the screen, the video window size must be set to Normal Size or greater. Also, for best results, networking or printing should not be active when you select close captioning.

Apple Video Player - Capturing Movies
The Apple Video Player program can capture video images or sequences. For best results, networking (including use of a modem) or printing should not be active when you are recording video from either television or another video source. Virtual memory should also be turned off when capturing video. Recording in Smallest window size will also improve the quality of captured video.

Playing Audio CDs on an External CD-ROM Drive
If you connect an external CD-ROM drive to your Macintosh, and wish to play audio CDs using the AppleCD Audio Player, you will need to drag the External CD Sound extension into your Extensions folder. To do this:

Step 1
Open the Apple Extras folder on your hard drive.

Step 2
Drag the External CD Sound extension into your System Folder.

Step 3
Select "OK" in response to the dialog which prompts you to store the extension into the Extensions folder.

Step 4
Restart your Macintosh.

AppleShare Server Software and Virtual Memory
If you want to use AppleShare to set up your Macintosh for file sharing or print-sharing on a network, you must use AppleShare Server Software version 4.0.2 or later. If you are using version 4.0.2, be sure to turn off Virtual Memory, or you may experience memory problems.

NOTE: This note is not part of the original Read Me, it is being added to correct information presented here. AppleShare 4.0.2 for Power Macintosh is no longer sold separately and is not available from Apple Computer. Later versions of AppleShare, v 4.1 or 4.2, are not supported on these computers.

Using Slide Show Viewer with Photo CDs
If you use the Slide Show Viewer to view Photo CD images, it may take awhile to launch the viewer the first time it is used. Once launched initially, a preferences file is created, and subsequent launches should be much faster.

Using an Internal Express Modem
If you install an Express Modem in the internal communications slot of your computer, you should use version 1.5.4 or later of the Express Modem software. Apple Telecom 2.0 software also supports the internal Express Modem. If you install using this version, select the Custom Install option and then select the "Express Modem Software for internal modems" item for installation.

Article Change History:
18 Dec 1995 - Added correction on AppleShare.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012