HyperCard 2.3: Specifying Operands for Picture XCMD (12/95)

Article Reviewed/Updated: 5 December 1995

In HyperCard 2.3.x the Picture XCMD will not work correctly if the
"clipboard" option is used. For example, in the script:

picture "Test", clipboard, roundrect

In HyperCard versions previous to 2.3, the above command works fine. When the above command is used in HyperCard 2.3 and 2.3.3, the program opens a
dialog asking you to find the file called "Test". It seems as though the word "clipboard" is not being recognized correctly.
In HyperCard 2.3, "clipboard" (command to get/set the text contents of the clipboard) was added to HyperTalk. You now need to quote the word "clipboard" when you pass it to the Picture XCMD.

In versions of HyperCard prior to 2.3, "clipboard" did not have a special meaning, so when the parser saw an unquoted "clipboard" that was not already used as a variable, it passed the string "clipboard" to the XCMD.

You should quote "roundrect", also. In general, it is good practice not to rely on unquoted literals, if possible.

Article Change History:
05 Dec 1995 - Updated title.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012