The Apple Video Player installed on Power Macintosh 7500 and 8500 computers has an option for displaying input from a TV tuner. However, there are no hardware TV tuner options available from Apple for these computers. The Apple Video Player reports that it cannot use the TV option but it also resets the gamma settings in the Sound & Displays control panel to the default Mac Standard.
If you have set the Gamma setting to anything other than the default Mac Standard gamma in the Displays area of the Sound and Displays control panel, you will see the screen image change as the Apple Video Player resets the gamma to Mac Standard.
This issue has been investigated by Apple engineering and will be resolved in the next release of the Apple Video Player. For now, the only way to prevent Apple Video Player from resetting the gamma settings you originally changed is to avoid pressing the TV options button in the Apple Video Player Controls window.
This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 18, Page 14
Article Change History:
29 Jan 1996 - Added Information Alley information.
05 Jan 1996 - Corrected minor typo.
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