If the phone number is not automatically entered into the Phone field, and you manually enter a phone number, you get the -48402 error. To prevent this error, make sure a number is entered in the name card*. If you tap Place Call and a number is already entered, such as a Work number, that number is used when you tap Place Call. If there is not a number entered, you have the opportunity to enter a number if is not already on the call slip.
* Note: For an individual, you need a home number, not just a work number.
Getting Back Into Calls Application
To get back into the Calls application, tap the Find button and find the name you used in the Calls application. A list of found items including the name card and the call appears on the Apple MessagePad. Tap the box next to the call, choose Delete from the Routing Slip.
Alternate Method
There is another method of removing the call information, however this method erases ALL Calls data, so do not use this method if you want to retain some of your Calls data.
To get rid of the corruption you can also change to Storage view in the Extras drawer (tap on the pick list at the top of the Extras Drawer and choose Storage); tap the Calls icon to display soup information, and delete the soup.