System 7.5 Update 2.0: What‘s New in This Update (1 of 3)

This is article 1 of 3 Read Me documents installed with System 7.5 Update 2.0.

The other articles may be accessed by the links below:

Article 19135: System 7.5 Update 2.0: What's New in This Update (2 of 3)

Article 19136: System 7.5 Update 2.0: What's New in This Update (3 of 3)

This file is one of three Read Me files that describe System 7.5 Update 2.0. This three-part document provides details about the changes provided by this software update.
Another Read Me file, Installing This Update, summarizes the enhancements of this update and gives instructions for installing the update.

What's in this document (part 1 of 3)

General information about the update

System 7.5 Update 2.0 provides the enhancements introduced in System 7.5 Update 1.0, plus many more.

This update installs the latest versions of all components (including any components that you disabled using the Extensions Manager) it finds on the disk it is updating. After you run the Installer, the updated components will be in the same folders as they were before you installed the update. For example, new versions of disabled extensions will be in the Extensions (Disabled) folder, and new versions of disabled control panels will be in the Control Panels (Disabled) folder.

The file called System 7.5 Update replaces the enabler on all computers capable of running system software versions 7.5 or 7.5.1. Computers that did not earlier need an enabler to work with system software versions 7.5 and 7.5.1 still need the System 7.5 Update file since it contains most of the fixes delivered in this update.

The file called System 7.5.2 Update replaces the enabler file on all computers capable of running system software version 7.5.2.

This update includes all the fixes included with the earlier released 7.5.2 Printing Update, the PowerBook 5300 System Software Update, and the PowerBook 2300c Update. You do not need these updates if you install System 7.5 Update 2.0. If you earlier installed any of these updates, you should install System 7.5 Update 2.0, since it contains additional fixes.

After you install the update, the About This Macintosh window says System Software 7.5.3. The window also says System 7.5 Update 2.0, to indicate the source of the system software.

Changes to the Finder

This update includes a new version of the Finder with the following changes:

When you rebuild the desktop, comments typed in a files' Get Info window are no longer deleted. (If you delete the desktop database; for example, by making it visible using a utility and then moving it to the Trash the comments will be lost because the Finder will have to build a new desktop at startup.)

The Name field (used in Finder windows set to one of the list views) is wider, allowing you to see more characters in filenames.

On PowerPC-based computers, icons are translucent while you drag them (instead of simply appearing as outlines). If you drag several icons at once, only the icon under the mouse will be translucent, the others will still be outlines.

Copying large numbers of small files is faster. (Previous versions of the Finder updated the bar in the copy progress dialog box approximately thirty times per second; the new version updates the copy progress bar far less frequently.)

The Finder Update file (once named PowerPC Finder Update) is now part of the Finder. This update deletes all old versions of this file.

When the Clipboard is active, the Clean Up Window command is dimmed. This eliminates a crashing bug in the Finder.

The Finder flushes the processors cache more intelligently, improving the Finder speed on all 68040- and PowerPC-based computers.

Fixes an issue that caused an out-of-memory error when emptying the Trash if QuickDraw GX was installed.

Fixes an issue that caused seemingly false out-of-memory messages when trying to open or close Finder windows. This issue sometimes occurred when the desktop had very few icons on it, a window with the Kind column was visible, and many kinds of documents had been displayed since the last restart.

Fixes an issue introduced by the Finder that shipped with System 7.5 Update 1.0. The Find window of Find File will now be made active if Find File is already open, and you choose Find from File menu (or Find File from the Apple menu).

If you are trying to connect to your computer and your server password has expired or needs to be changed when you try to use an alias to connect to the server, you'll see a message that the password needs to be changed. (Prior versions told the user that the server couldn't be found.)

File copies are now done asynchronously, which makes the CPU more available to other applications during copying. If another application is made active during a file copy, the computer does not slow down as much. This effect is most noticeable when using Apple Remote Access.

Finder window titles are now erased before they are overwritten. (Previous versions made window titles unreadable in some circumstances.)

This new version of the Finder also includes the following fixes from the prior updates Finder:

Corrects an issue at startup that could cause the Finder to open the same list of windows repeatedly.

With QuickDraw GX installed, AppleEvents or AppleScript scripts that send Print or Page Setup command to the Finder are now handled correctly.

When you try to change a System or Applications folder that is protected by the General Controls panel, the Finder no longer claims there's an access privilege issue. The warning message now describes why the folder cant be changed and how to turn off folder protection.

Fixes an issue that occurred the first time you started up your computer after installation (or any time you deleted the old Finder Preferences file). One symptom of this issue was a dialog box stating that the Network control panel could not be used.

Fixes an issue that caused a crash if a sound and a control panel were both in the Startup Items folder and the sound was opened first. (Items in this folder are opened in alphabetical order.)

The Finder no longer rebuilds the desktop if it finds a folder named Desktop at the root level; now it rebuilds the desktop only if it finds a file called Desktop.

Improves the way the Finder handles server volumes that are unexpectedly disconnected while files from the server are still open. Now you can save the contents of most files by using the Save As command (in the File menu of most applications). Large files (those that don't fit entirely in memory) might be lost if the server disconnects unexpectedly. With some applications, however, you can copy the contents that are in memory and paste them into a new document, later merging this document with the original file on the server. (With prior versions of the Finder, this situation could lead to serious issues if the user tried saving the document after the server was disconnected.)

Changes the way the Finder invokes the Find File extension (of System 7.5) instead of the built-in Find feature introduced in System 7.0. The Find File extension now contains a simple flag that tells the Finder to use the new Find File. If you disable or remove this extension, the Finder uses only the older built-in Find. This change enables users to choose between the full-scale Find File, and it's stripped-down version (the built-in Find command).

Fixes an issue that caused an out-of-memory error if too many Get Info windows were open simultaneously.

Enables users to open a document that belongs to an already-running background-only application. (In previous versions, the Finder searched only through the list that appeared in the Application menu.)

The Finder Update file was renamed. (It was earlier known as the PowerPC Finder Update file.) This file handled Code Fragment Manager (CFM) error-reporting for missing dynamically linked libraries.

Speeds copying from servers. Lets the server set its preferred block size for copy requests. (Earlier, the Finder always requested 4.5K blocks of data from AppleShare or FileShare volumes.)

Speeds up copying to and from servers by greatly reducing the number of times the Finder checks for user activity during copy operations.

Speeds up the copying of small files by changing the way the Finder writes parts of the files. (Earlier, the Finder rounded up the size of the file being copied to the minimum allocation block size, which, on a 2GB disk, is 64K.) Now the Finder rounds up small files to a multiple of the size of a disk sector (that is, to increments of 512 bytes).

Fixes an issue in rebuilding the desktop that caused the Finder to skip applications if it encountered a background-only application while rebuilding the desktop database.

Eliminates issues in opening some applications or having the wrong icon appear. These issues sometimes occurred when, during rebuilds of the desktop, the Finder included applications that did not have the necessary bundle resources. The Finder no longer includes applications that do not have the necessary bundle resources, eliminating confusion within the desktop database.

The Finder now ignores aliases to applications when rebuilding the desktop database.

Changes to Find File

The following are the changes in Find File 1.1.2:

The following are changes introduced with System 7.5 Update 1.0 (Find File 1.1.1):Changes to Standard File

Fixes an occasional crash in Standard File that occurred when the data cache was not flushed before being disabled.

Fixes a memory leak with some of the dialog boxes used for opening and saving documents in Standard File.

Fixes an issue in the dialog box used for opening files that could allow the pop-up menu to be dimmed in Standard File.

Changes to control panels

PowerPC-based computers with PCI slots now use the Monitors & Sound control panel, instead of the Sound & Displays control panel, to control monitor and sound settings. (System Update 2.0 removes Sound & Displays.) You can do a custom installation to install the Sound control panel if you need it for older applications. (The Monitors & Sound control panel works only on PCI-based computers.)

The Memory control panel now displays Will be off after restart if Virtual Memory is turned off, as a reminder that just turning Virtual Memory off does not fully deactivate it.

The Memory control panel now uses a larger default setting for the Disk Cache. After you install this update, the new setting will be used only if the Use Defaults button in the Memory control panel is clicked. The new default is 32K for each megabyte of physical RAM installed, up to a maximum of 4096K. (Virtual RAM is ignored for this calculation.) A computer with 16MB of physical RAM would use 512K for its default disk cache size, resulting in better performance for disk-intensive tasks than the original default of 96K.

Fixes a bug in resizing a RAM disk in the Memory control panel while File Sharing is on.

Fixes an issue in General Controls panel that caused issues with Retrospect Remote if either application or System Folder protection were turned on.

Includes a new option in the General Controls panel: Folder that is set by the application. Clicking this option sets the default folder to the folder containing the document being opened. When you open a document by double-clicking its icon, the default folder will be set to the folder containing the document (instead of to the Documents folder or to the folder containing the application that opened that document).

Fixes an issue in General Controls panel that could hang the computer if Applications folder protection were turned on and there was a document or alias named Applications at the root level of the startup disk.

Fixes an issue in the General Controls panels folder-protection code that could cause folders to become invisible if Stuffit Spacesaver were installed.

CloseView no longer uses key combinations that were already used by the Finder. The new key combinations for CloseView are:

If CloseView is active, it remains active after you change your monitors bit depth.

CloseView no longer hangs the system if Balloon Help is on and an audio CD is inserted.

Includes the following new international keyboard layouts:

Installs the updated versions of the following international keyboard layouts if older versions are already installed: Changes to Apple Guide

This update includes Macintosh Guide 1.3 (and several new Guide Additions files), which provides updated on screen help for system software.

This update includes Apple Guide version 2.0.2, which includes the following improvements:

This update also includes all the improvements to Apple Guide introduced with System 7.5 Update 1.0 (Apple Guide 1.2.5): Changes to Apple Menu Options

Includes Apple Menu Options v.1.1.2, which introduce the following changes:

Incorporates all of the prior fixes to Apple Menu Options:
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012