MegaDial 1.0.1 Late Breaking News and Notes
First, thank you for using MegaDial. We hope that it makes your traveling and telecommunicating easier. This is a combined upgrade/30-day demonstration version of MegaDial. If you've already bought MegaDial, just install this version over your current version. If you haven't, you'll receive a thirty day full-featured demonstration of how MegaDial can make traveling with a laptop easier.
To buy a full version of MegaDial:
Call 1-800-515-8111 (+1 510 732 3830 outside the US and Canada) 6 AM to 6 PM PST Monday through Friday.
If you have any problems with MegaDial, please contact us at +1 408 752 2700, on the Internet at, or on AppleLink at CYPRESS.
Usage Hints/Important Notes
* Installing MegaDial To install MegaDial, insert the installer disk in your floppy drive and double click on the file named "Install MegaDial". Choose the hard disk you wish to install on, then install. After you restart your machine, you need to configure MegaDial. Just open the MegaDial control panel and choose the location you've set up your software to dial with (Home or Office). You'll be stepped through a configuration process. If you're using MegaPhone, you can configure MegaDial from the Quick Prefs window.
* I Didn't Get 30 Days to Try MegaDial: If you install this version of MegaDial over a demo version of MegaPhone, you may not receive an entire 30 days of trial for MegaDial. Call +1 408 752-1700, ask for technical support, and a support representative will give you a code to enable one more 30 day demo.
* Getting Notified: By default, MegaDial will present you with a dialing window every time you dial. You can change this by opening the MegaDial control panel, clicking on the expand arrow in the lower left hand corner of the window, and choosing another option from the "Ask me when dialing" popup.
* Having Problems? If you have problems using MegaDial with a particular program, you can turn it off temporarily. Just go to the MegaDial control panel, click on the "More" arrow to display the expert panel, and uncheck "Watch Modem". Remember to turn it on when you're done with that program. Please report any incompatibilities to us immediately!
* Using Apple Remote Access: MegaDial works with Apple Remote Access, including with Dial Assist, although MegaDial will do much more than Dial Assist.
* Why Don't I See the Dialing Dialog? Some programs, including many fax software packages, Apple Remote Access and some versions of Prodigy, dial at a time when it is unsafe to present interface. MegaDial detects all of these cases, and transforms numbers quietly, even if the notification options suggest that interface should be presented. The first time MegaDial transforms numbers quietly, it will notify you to check your settings if the call doesn't go through properly.
* I Still Don't See the Dialing Dialog! Depending on how you received this copy of MegaDial, it may be a version which is designed to work only with MegaPhone. If you received this in with MegaPhone, this is the case. To check if this is the case, expand the MegaDial control panel. If the "Watch Modem" checkbox is grayed out, MegaDial will work only with MegaPhone. Call 1-800-515-8111 to purchase MegaDial or to have a 30 day demo enabled.
* Credit Card Calling Doesn't Quite Work: In different locations, the amount of time you have to wait for an automated response to dialing a credit card access number can vary (from 2 to 20 seconds!). MegaDial is programmed with a good value for most locations: 10 seconds. If you need to lengthen this time, dial the phone by hand and count the number of seconds until you hear an automated response, and divide this number by 2. Click on the Expert button in the control panel, and change the number of commas in the "Before Calling Card" field to match this number. Some modems support a special character which means "wait for credit card tone." Check your modem manual for more information, and type this instead, however, note that this character won't always work. In the United States, if you are using a carrier such as Sprint 800 or ATT 800, the pause before the phone number dialed is stored in the actual carrier entry, so you'll have to choose "Edit Carrierâ•”" from the Long Distance popup menu in the control panel, and edit the actual carrier (use the same technique as above to determine how many commas to enter). The "After Calling Card" field is used by carriers like the MCI 800 numbers, and is placed after the calling card account and PIN and before the phone number dialed. See your manual for more information.
Known Issues
-Some fax software and other communications packages dial at a time when it is unsafe to check for dialing prefixes, carriers, and suffixes in the dialed number. For best results, be sure the phone numbers you've entered in the software packages don't include any prefixes, non-default carriers, or suffixes.
-If you use TCP/IP connections for America OnLine and use demand-based PPP or SLIP dialing software such as MacPPP, you should dial your provider to make the TCP/IP connection before attempting to connect to AOL, or MegaDial will choose an improper telephone number for your connection.
-MegaDial 1.0.1 will not intercept fax calls made by FaxPro 2.2.2.
Copyright 1995 Fresh Software and Instructional Design, All Rights Reserved.