Newton 2.0 OS: Determining Size and Number of Faxes

I have a Apple MessagePad 120 with the Newton 2.0 OS. How many fax messages can I receive? Also, what is the maximum size for fax documents?
The number and the size of fax documents vary. There are two factors that determine these numbers on your Apple MessagePad.

Free Heap Space:

This is the amount of memory available to the system software to run the Newton. It will determine how large in size the page can be. On average, a fax page takes about 40 KB.

NOTE: If you have trouble receiving a fax, try disabling some of the packages on your Newton MessagePad.

Available Storage Space:

This is the amount of memory you have available on the internal store or a PC card, if you have one. This determines the number of pages you can receive.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012