SCSI LaserWriters: Troubleshooting And Choosing A Driver

I have a Macintosh computer and an Apple Laserwriter IIsc. When I print to a LaserWriter IIsc (SCSI) printer from a variety of applications the fonts seem to overflow the area that is designated for the text. It looks fine on the screen, but this problem happens every time I print to this pritner.

Other printers accessed over LocalTalk or EtherTalk work fine. I have no extra SCSI devices (internal or external). I am not using any font management software like ATM or Suitcase. I am using TrueType fonts. Helvetica and Times are the two fonts that I use the most. What is wrong?

All Macintosh computers, including PowerBook computers, have a compatibility issue with Personal LaserWriter SC driver version 7.0.1 (included with System software 7.1.1 and 7.5) or earlier versions.

When printing from a Macintosh computer using System Software 7.5.2 or newer to a LaserWriter IIsc or Personal LaserWriter SC, the line layout is very poor and definitely not "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG).


- for System Software 6-7.5.1, use Personal LaserWriter SC 7.0.1
- for System Software 7.5.2-7.6.1 use LaserWriter IIsc GX
- for Mac OS 8 use Personal LaserWriter SC 7.0.1

To avoid formatting problems, use the LaserWriter IIsc GX driver with System Software 7.5.2-7.6.1.

The Personal LaserWriter SC and LaserWriter IIsc are untested and unsupported under Mac OS 8. If you are going to attempt to print to one of these printers, Apple suggests trying the Personal LaserWriter SC driver version 7.0.1 (available from Apple Software Updates). However, you may experience some formatting problems with some applications. The LaserWriter IIsc GX driver is not compatible with OS 8.x


These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here:
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012