Newton 2.0 OS: New Modem Setup Choices

There are several different modem setups available in the Newton 2.0 OS preferences. What kinds of modems are they for and how do they compare with the modem setups included with previous Newton Modem Enabler 1.0?
There are eight different choices for modem setups in the Newton 2.0 OS. The different setups are described below. If the setup had a different name in the Newton 1.x OS, it is listed after the description. New setups are also labelled after the description.

Newton Modem -- For use with the either the external Newton modem or the PCMCIA Newton modem.

Moto Cellular -- For use with the Motorola CELLect PCMCIA and Motorola CELLect pocket modems connected to any data-capable Motorola MC2 Microtac cellular phone. Connection speed is locked to 4800 baud. Formerly MotoCELLect Cellular in the Newton 1.x OS.

Moto Cellular Fast -- Same as above but connection speed is 9600 baud. New for Newton 2.0 OS.

Moto Landline -- For use with the Motorola CELLect PCMCIA and Motorola CELLect pocket modems connected to standard telephone lines. Formerly MotoCELLect 14.4 in the Newton 1.x OS.

Hayes 28.8 -- For use with Hayes compatible 28.8 modems. New for Newton 2.0 OS.

Hayes EC -- For use with modems (including Hayes brand modems) that implement the complete Hayes command set. Formerly Hayes Error-Correcting in the Newton 1.x OS.

Hayes Compatible -- For use with the majority of other modems that implement the basic Hayes commands, but use a different set of commands for configuring features, such as error correction and flow control.

Hayes Basic -- For use with Hayes compatible modems that do not support features such as error correction of data compression. This setup can also be used when the other Hayes setups fail. New for Newton OS 2.0.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012