License Statement
Incremental Update For Apple's MAE 2.0 Product
The files in this directory allow you to update your purchased copy of MAE 2.0 (or patched version 2.0.1) to version 2.0.2 for free. By applying the latest patch, you will update your copy of MAE 2.0 with the bug fixes from all prior patches. As the patches are cumulative, there is no need to install any previous patch prior to installing the most current one.
IMPORTANT: MAE must NOT be running while you apply this patch. You will need to have approximately 25MB of available disk space to install the patch. After the patch installation is complete, however, your patched copy of MAE 2.0.2 will require about the same amount of disk space as MAE 2.0 (or 2.0.1). The 25MB requirement permits the patch installer to back up your copy of MAE, for safety, during the patch installation process.
MAE 2.0.2 (Patch Release "2")
(Found in /pub/mae/patches/mae_patch_2.0.2)
Get the file "README.PATCH.MAE2.0.2" for Patch "2" information and installation instructions. This patch (MAE 2.0.2) is the second released patch to MAE 2.0. It introduces the changes listed below. (The number in parenthesis indicates at which patch level the bug was fixed):
Changes in MAE 2.0.2
(2) (HP only) HP-UX Version 10.01 -
HP-UX Version 10.01 can now be used with MAE. IMPORTANT: Be sure to
read the file `README.PATCH.MAE2.0.2' on the FTP server prior to
installing this patch to support HP-UX Version 10.01.
(2) (Sun only) FDDI Support -
FDDI interfaces are now supported.
(2) (Sun only) Ethernet Interfaces other than `le'
MAE now supports Ethernet interfaces on Solaris such as qe.
Previously, only le devices were supported.
(2) Multiple Ethernet Interfaces -
AppleTalk can now be used on any available (and supported) network
interface. The Network Control Panel has been updated to add this
(2) Persistent TIVs -
Persistent TIVs are no longer truncated during shutdown.
(2) Locking Mechanism for System Folder Updates -
The updater utility for System Folders (part of the patch mechanism)
no longer bypasses the file integrity lock if MAE is running. This
only occurred under isolated circumstances.
(2) (HP only) Automounter Directory
The automounter directory for HP-UX (default /tmp_mnt) is now
properly statused.
(2) (Sun only) Solaris 2.4 and Automounted Directories
MAE no longer truncates its internal filesystem list when executed
in an environment with multiple remotely-mounted volumes. This
symptom did not manifest itself under Solaris 2.3.
(2) (Sun only) Sun 5 Keyboard -
The 0 (zero) key on Sun's Type 5 keyboard now functions properly.
(2) Command line options -
MAE will no longer exhibit random errors at startup based on the
number of arguments supplied in the command line.
(1) Updated man Page -
The online manual pages now reflect changes and features of MAE 2.0
that were omitted from the man pages supplied with the MAE 2.0
(1) Network Control Panel -
Opening the Network Control Panel will no longer result in an error
(1) (Sun only) Attention Packets -
Urgent ADSP messages are now delivered promptly to the MAE process.
Previously, there was a delay in delivering these messages.
(1) (Sun only) ADSP Close -
Custom applications that send ADSP close packet now work correctly.
(1) Utilization of Selected AppleTalk Zone -
A previously-selected AppleTalk zone is now being used as the default
zone. In addition, a list of eligible devices is presented when
selecting a network resource (e.g., printer). This problem only
occurred under isolated circumstances.
(1) File Transfers Under TCP -
Fetch or other applications now pull large (>100K) files
utilizing TCP correctly. (Smaller files were not affected.)
(1) Saving Documents When Using MacinTax -
MacinTax is now able to save documents.
(1) (HP only) Users' Guide Updated -
The online Users' Guide for MAE now reflects features and changes
present in v2.0 which were omitted from the MAE 2.0 distribution.
(1) Debugging Options -
Additional command line options have been added to assist in debugging
MAE 2.0 problems.
(1) (Sun only) Support for CacheFS -
New functionality was added to support CacheFS, a new filesystem
introduced with Solaris 2.4.
(1) Support For AFS (Andrew File System) -
Additional features have been added to support local cells for AFS.
(1) Other fixes
Various minor bugs in MAE 2.0 are corrected in MAE 2.0.1
How To Download and Install MAE 2.0.2
On the FTP server (, get the appropriate tar file (sun, hp, or hp10) from the directory
IMPORTANT: Make sure you use FTP "binary transfer" mode to get the files.
/pub/mae/patches/mae_patch_2.0.2/README.PATCH.MAE2.0.2 - This file.
/pub/mae/patches/mae_patch_2.0.2/maepatch2.0.2.hp.tar - The most recent incremental update for MAE 2.0 running HP-UX 9.x on HP Series 700 workstations.
/pub/mae/patches/mae_patch_2.0.2/maepatch2.0.2.hp10.tar - The most recent incremental update for MAE 2.0 running HP-UX 10.01 on HP Series 700 workstations.
/pub/mae/patches/mae_patch_2.0.2/maepatch2.0.2.sun.tar - The most recent incremental update for MAE 2.0 running on Sun SPARC workstations.
Download the appropriate file for your workstation. Note: the tar files are compressed internally and did not require further compression using `compress' or a similar utility.
Extracting the Patch Files From the Downloaded File
Place the tar file anywhere. Extract it by running the following command:
On HP-UX 9.x Workstations:
% tar xovf maepatch2.0.2.hp.tar
On HP-UX 10.01 Workstations:
% tar xovf maepatch2.0.2.hp10.tar
On Sun Workstations:
% tar xovf maepatch2.0.2.sun.tar
The extracted files will be placed in a new directory named "maepatch2.0.2.sun", "maepatch2.0.2.hp", or "maepatch2.0.2.hp10" depending on your system type. Once the extraction is complete, you can delete the downloaded file maepatch2.0.2.*.tar.
Preparing For Patch Installation
Before you run the patch installer, make backup copies of two directories: your system folder (normally in your home directory, in the directory "System Folder"), and the directory ".mac" within your home directory. In the event that patch installation results in an inoperable copy of MAE, you will be able to reconstruct your original MAE environment, from these saved copies, by removing the damaged apple directory, reinstalling MAE 2.0, and restoring your saved copies of the System Folder and .mac.
Important Information For AppleTalk Users
If you have more than one copy of MAE on any workstation, you must update all copies of MAE with this patch at the same time. The AppleTalk driver in MAE 2.0.2 is not compatible with older versions of MAE (2.0 or 2.0.1). This applies to multiple copies of MAE on the same workstation only.
If you are executing MAE v2.0 (or v2.0.1) on Solaris v2.3 and are using AppleTalk, you must install Solaris jumbo patch #101306-10 or its equivalent before you install MAE v2.0.2. Please contact your local Sun support channel for more information.
Important Information For HP-UX Version 10.01 Users
The MAE binaries for HP-UX v9.x and v10.01 are not interchangeable. If you are installing this patch to allow MAE to run on an HP-UX 10.01 system, you should be aware that the updated binaries will no longer function on a 9.x system. If you have multiple workstations sharing the same binary directory (appledir), you may wish to reinstall MAE from the CD-ROM onto a 9.x system. The patch can then be safely applied to both systems, creating updated executables for each environment.
Below are instructions for installing MAE 2.0.2 for use with HP-UX 10.01:
- For a new installation of MAE for HP-UX 10.01, first install MAE v2.0 as distributed on the CD-ROM but do not install AppleTalk (you can do this by performing a custom installation (as detailed in the `MAE User's Guide')). After you have installed MAE 2.0 from the CD-ROM, you can apply the MAE 2.0.2 patch by executing ./PATCH.SH as distributed with the patch. Note that the STREAMS package is not required for HP-UX 10.01.
- HP-UX 10.01 was not supported in versions 2.0 and 2.0.1. As a result, upgrade instructions are not included here.
- If you are upgrading from MAE v1.0, first rename any existing MAE v1.0 (or MAE v1.0a) System Folders. Next, install MAE v2.0 as distributed on the CD-ROM but do not install AppleTalk (you can do this by performing a custom installation as detailed in the `MAE User's Guide'). This will create a new System Folder to which you can manually drag/copy any resources (Extensions, Fonts, Preferences, etc.) from your old MAE v1.0 System Folder. You can now safely apply the MAE 2.0.2 patch by executing ./PATCH.SH as distributed with the patch.
- To remove MAE except for the AppleTalk components, use the Remove feature of the installer supplied with the MAE v2.0 CD-ROM and/or the 2.0.2 patch distribution. Note that the 2.0.1 patch does not have any removal capabilities and that the 2.0.2 patch will ONLY remove previously-installed 2.0.2 components. Then remove the AppleTalk components utilizing the Remove feature of MAE 2.0.2.
The device files for HP-UX 10.01 have also changed. As a result, the `macdisks.HPUX' file will require modifications to function with your existing devices. This is true even if you had previously made these changes for an HP-UX 9.x system. Note that using the `default' convention will not work for HP-UX 10.01; you need to explicitly specify the path to the device. Examples are provided in the updated file installed by the patch (when installing for HP-UX 10.01).
Important: Run Under The Appropriate Login Account
The account used to install the patch must have read/write privileges to all files in your apple directory; you can best accomplish this by running the patch installer under the same account originally used to install MAE 2.0. This patch includes new version of AppleTalk kernel modules as well as new version of various files from your apple directory. In order to install the patched version of the AppleTalk kernel modules, you must run the patch installer as root (superuser).
Applying The Patch
After you are appropriately logged in, cd into the newly created "maepatch2.0.2.hp", "maepatch2.0.2.hp", or "maepatch2.0.2.hp10" directory. Apply the patch by running the "PATCH.SH" program as follows:
On HP-UX 9.x Workstations:
% cd maepatch2.0.2.hp
On HP-UX 10.01 Workstations:
% cd maepatch2.0.2.hp10
On Sun Workstations:
% cd maepatch2.0.2.sun
PATCH.SH will lead you through the installation process. You will have a choice of `Easy' or `Custom' installation as well as `Remove'. Easy installation patches both your Apple directory and the AppleTalk kernel modules; Custom installation gives you the opportunity to patch only one or the other. If your copy of MAE is on a central server, serving many workstations, you will have to patch JUST the copy of MAE on the server, and JUST the AppleTalk kernel modules, on the workstations.
Remove will delete the MAE components from your system (but not any System Folders located in a $HOME directory). See the FAQ for more information on removal of MAE.
Reinstalling Custom Resources
The patch will replace several files in your System Folder. If you have installed any custom sounds or applications that have modified resources within the file `System' in the System Folder, you will be able to use your backed-up copy of System to help you reinstall the custom resources, after patch installation is complete. If you are not sure if any application has done this, refer to that application's documentation.
Review the FAQ and Tech Notes
Included with the tar distribution are the most recent versions of the MAE Frequently-Asked Questions and Technical Notes files. Review these documents carefully for any important information that may apply to you. In addition, these files are regularly updated by MAE Engineering and made available on as well as via the Web at: