Acrobat Reader Fonts & QuickDraw GX Turned On/Off (1/97)

I am using Adobe's Acrobat Reader on my Macintosh computer. I get font related error messages at startup after I switch between QuickDraw GX and standard QuickDraw.

Acrobat Reader versions earlier than 2.0.1 are incompatible with QuickDraw GX. Acrobat Reader versions 2.0.1 and later are compatible with QuickDraw GX but the correct fonts must be installed before restarting with QuickDraw GX active. Similarly, if the you want to turn QuickDraw GX off and Acrobat is already installed, the corresponding fonts will need to be installed before restarting with QuickDraw GX turned off.

If the correct fonts for QuickDraw GX are not installed before restarting, the computer will produce the message "The installed substitute fonts are designed for use with Standard QuickDraw. Please remove them and install the QuickDraw GX versions".

If the correct fonts for non-QuickDraw GX are not installed before restarting, the computer will produce the message "The installed substitute fonts are designed for use with QuickDraw GX. Please remove them and install the standard versions".

If the Acrobat Reader program is launched while either of the incorrect fonts are present the error message, "The current versions of system software, ATM, and substitution fonts required to run Acrobat Reader are not synchronized. Please re-install Acrobat Reader to correct this problem" will appear.

Switching between the contexts of having QuickDraw GX on or off and using Acrobat Reader can be done in one of two ways:

* Restart the computer in the desired mode (QuickDraw GX on or off) and run the Acrobat Reader installer. The installer will recognize that QuickDraw GX is on or off and will install the proper fonts into the Fonts folder. After running the installer, you will need to restart once more.

* Keep a separate folder containing both the GX and non-GX versions of the fonts that Acrobat Reader installs. When you want to switch QuickDraw GX on or off, drag (or hold down the Option key and drag to copy) the appropriate fonts into the Fonts folder. After restarting, the correct fonts will be installed and Acrobat Reader will function correctly. This method is preferable to the first since it only requires one restart.

The installed fonts for the QuickDraw GX environment:

- Adobe Sans MM (TrueType suitcase)
- Adobe Serif MM (TrueType suitcase)

The installed fonts for the standard QuickDraw environment:

- Adobe Sans MM (bitmapped font suitcase)
- Adobe Serif MM (bitmapped font suitcase)
- AdobeSanMM (PostScript font)
- AdobeSerMM (PostScript font)

NOTE: Although the two versions of the "Adobe Sans MM" and "Adobe Serif MM" suitcases have the same name, Acrobat Reader will only recognize the fonts from the correct environment. That is, you cannot keep the two PostScript fonts and the two TrueType suitcases in the Fonts folder and have Acrobat Reader automatically recognize the correct one whether QuickDraw GX is on or off.

Macintosh Performa 6360 and 6400 Computers
Performa 6360 and 6400 computers come with Adobe Acrobat Reader pre-installed. This version of Acrobat Reader does not include the GX-compatible fonts referred to in this article. There is not a regular Adobe Acrobat installer on the computer's CD-ROM or on hard disk; Adobe Acrobat is part of the Restore All Software bundle.

If you experience this font error as described above after installing QuickDraw GX 1.1.3, obtain a copy of Acrobat Reader (their web site is and install it. Also turning off the ATM control panel with the Extensions Manager control panel will stop this error.

As described above once you have installed the QuickDraw GX Acrobat fonts, and turn GX off, you will get an error message stating, "The installed substitution fonts are designed for use with QuickDraw GX. Please remove them and install the standard QuickDraw versions." Follow the workarounds above for switching between QuickDraw GX and Standard QuickDraw.

Article Change History:
03 Jan 1997 - Added Performa 6360 and 6400 information, changed title.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012