AppleVision 1710 Displays: Calibration Message (4/96)

Article Change History: 17 April 1996

How do I stop my AppleVision 1710AV or AppleVision 1710 from displaying the calibration message every two weeks?
You need to set the preferences in either the AppleVision Setup control panel, or the Sound & Displays control panel, dependent upon the System Software installed on your Macintosh computer. For more information on setting the preferences refer to your "AppleVision 1710AV Display User's Guide" or "AppleVision 1710 Display User's Guide."

Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1
Either open the AppleVision Setup control panel or press any of the buttons on the left side of the display.

Step 2
If your computer is equipped with the Sound & Displays control panel, doubleclick on the AppleVision 1710AV Display listed in the Display field.

Step 3
Click the Color button to open the control panel to the Accurate Color window.

Step 4
Click the Preferences button in the bottom left corner of the Accurate Color window to open the Preferences window.

Step 5
On the left side of the Preferences window is an Auto Recalibrate section, with a series of checkboxes, which determine when the display will recalibrate. Click the top four checkboxes to deselect them (an X no longer appears).

Your display will no longer display the "time to recalibrate" message every two weeks.

Article Change History:
17 Apr 1996 - Added Step 2 to discussion.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012