AICK Installer: QuickDraw GX and Acrobat Reader Fonts (1/96)

After I installed the Apple Internet Connection Kit (AICK) and then restarted my computer, an error dialog appeared with this message, "The installed substitution fonts are not designed to work with QuickDraw GX." What is wrong?
This error occurs if AICK is installed when QuickDraw GX is already installed on your computer. There is a compatibility issue between QuickDraw GX, and the Adobe Acrobat Reader and accompanying fonts which AICK installs.

A solution is to install Acrobat Reader from a different source. The Acrobat Reader installer checks to see if QuickDraw GX is installed and then installs the appropriate fonts. Acrobat Reader is included on most new system CD-ROM discs, or it may be downloaded from an online source.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012