Apple Video Player: Errors When Freezing or Copying Image 1/96

When I try to capture a large (640x480) image in the Apple Video Player on my computer by pressing command-C, I get an error message that says "An error occurred while trying to copy the video display to the clipboard."

I have also received the message, "An error occurred while trying to freeze the video display" when I click the Freeze button.

How can I fix this?
Apple Video Player is running out of memory as it copies your image to the clipboard. You can increase the preferred memory size for this application through the Get Info window. Follow these steps to do this:

Step 1
Locate the Apple Video Player application on your hard drive. Make sure it is not running as you will not able to change the memory partition if it is.

Step 2
Click Apple Video Player once to highlight it. Under File choose Get Info.

Step 3
In the bottom of the Get Info window, adjust the Preferred size by double-clicking in the Preferred size box and typing in a higher number.

The size that you set depends on the complexity and size of the image you are trying to copy to the clipboard. Try increasing in 100K increments.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012