AppleShare 4.2 to 4.2 v1.0.2 Patch: Read Me File

This article is the AppleShare 4.2 to 4.2 v1.0.2 Patch Read Me file.
This patch updates AppleShare 4.2 to AppleShare 4.2 v1.0.2. This patch is only required for the U.S. version of AppleShare 4.2.

The following items have been fixed:

* Some sites that installed 4.2 over a previous version of AppleShare experienced problems because only one remote user at a time was able to run a particular application on the server.

* With the same application on two client machines, it was not possible to access the same file on a mounted volume at the same time. This was reported with multiple users trying to access the same HyperCard stack.

* If a file on a read access volume (both "See Folders" and "See Files" are selected, but not "Make Changes") was opened by an application other than the Finder, it was possible to make changes to the file and then save it back to the file server.

* Under certain timing-dependent conditions, the modification date on a file could be changed when moving the file to the server.

Installation Instructions
On a system with AppleShare 4.2 already installed, complete the following steps to upgrade to AppleShare 4.2 v1.0.2.

1) Launch the application named "File Server Ext 4.2->4.2 v1.0.2".

2) Click on the "Patch" button.

3) Navigate to your extension folder and select the file named "File Server Extension".

4) When the Save dialog is presented, select "Save" with the default name.

5) Select "Replace" when prompted to overwrite the old version of the File Server Extension.

The patch will only apply to an unmodified version of AppleShare 4.2. If any changes have been made with ResEdit, the patch will not apply.

Note: This article mentions an Apple software update. You may search for software updates at following URL:
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012