The System Software installer alias on the Disk Tools disk is an alias to the System Software installer application on the hard drive of your PowerBook. The path the alias follows can be lost if you rename your hard drive to something other than Macintosh HD, or if you move the System Software Installer application out of the System Software Images folder. Even if you name your hard drive back to Macintosh HD or put the System Software installer back into the System Software Images folder, the alias will still be unable to open the application.
You can work around this issue by double-clicking the System Software installer application on your PowerBook's hard drive instead of double-clicking the alias on the Disk Tools disk. If you have not relocated any folders on your hard drive, the application can be found on the hard drive by following the path:
Hard Drive -> Utilities -> Floppy Disk Maker -> Disk Images -> System Software Images -> System Software Installer
You can also fix the unresolved alias on the Disk Tools disk by following this procedure:
Step 1
Before inserting the disk into your floppy drive slide the plastic write protect tab in the upper left corner, of the bottom of the disk (side with the silver disk in the center) to cover the hole. Insert the floppy disk into your floppy drive.
Step 2
Locate the System Software Installer application on your hard drive. If you have not relocated any folders on your hard drive, it can be found by following the path:
Hard Drive -> Utilities -> Floppy Disk Maker -> Disk Images -> System Software Images -> System Software Installer
You can also use Find... under File to locate the application.
Step 3
Click the System Software Installer application once to highlight it. Under File, choose Make Alias.
Step 4
Drag the alias you have just created to the Disk Tools disk. When asked if you want to replace items with the same name, click OK. When the file is finished being copied you should have the alias in both the Disk Tools disk and the System Software Images folder. You can drag the alias from the System Software Images folder to the Trash.
Step 5
Drag the Disk Tools disk icon to the Trash to eject it. Lock the floppy disk by sliding the write protect tab back to cover the hole in the corner.