Power Macintosh 7200/7500/8500/9500:Hard Drive Test Fails (2/96)

When I run hard drive diagnostics on a Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500 or 9500 series computer using utilities such as SilverLining, FWB Hard Disk Toolkit, or MacTest Pro, the drives always seem to fail the tests after the computer has been on for 30 minutes or more. The hard drives seem to be working fine otherwise. What can I be doing wrong?
It is likely that the Energy Saver software is making the drive spin-down during the testing, which causes the diagnostics to fail the drive. To avoid this, in the Energy Saver control panel, set the Sleep Setup option to "Never". This will prevent the software from spinning down the drive and allow the utility software to properly check the hard drive.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012