AppleVision 1710 Display: Diagonal Colored Lines (5/96)

I am seeing diagonal colored lines on my AppleVision 1710 display. Is this a known problem with this monitor? Has it been reported by anyone else?

Some customers have complained that they see 9 "sets" of horizontal lines about 1-inch apart, running from left to right at approximately a 30 degree angle on their AppleVision 1710 displays (not the AppleVision 1710AV Display).

Each set is made up of thin Blue, Green, and Red lines that are very close together. They are most apparent when looking at the black space on each side of the display and are more prominent on the left.

Suggested Steps For Examining The Display

Some displays can show this symptom when the controls are set too high and can
be readjusted to acceptable levels with the from panel controls. To adjust the controls, perform the following steps:

Step 1
Connect the display to another computer, if possible, to verify that the problem follows the display.

Step 2
Check the screen brightness and contrast to verify that they are not set too high. Normal settings for contrast are between the middle point of the adjustment to maximum, and brightness between the lower point of the adjustment to middle.

If adjusting the brightness and contrast controls cannot remove the lines, contact an Authorized Apple Service Provider to have the AppleVision Display tested.

Article Change History:
02 May 1996 - Replace discussion with current status of issue.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012