Note: Noises may not necessarily require a replacement of component. For example, a noisy fan may be more annoying than a cause of concern.
Symptom: Clicking, chirping, or thumping
1. Verify that fan unit(s) is not loose. Replace if necessary. The fan unit(s) is hot-swappable and can be replaced without shutting down the server.
2. Verify that power supply is properly seated. Replace if necessary. Network Server 700/150 power supply is hot-swappable and may be replaced without shutting down the server.
3. Verify that all front drive trays are completely inserted.
4. Check hard drive(s). Replace if necessary.
5. Check DAT drive. Replace if necessary.
6. Check floppy drive. Replace if necessary.
7. Replace logic board. Retain customer's DIMMs.
8. Replace processor card.
Symptom: System shuts down intermittently
1. Verify that power cord is firmly plugged in.
2. Verify that fans are working. Replace if necessary.
3. Verify that all front drive trays are completely inserted. Improper installation may disrupt air flow.
4. Verify that air vents are clear. Thermal-protection circuit may shut down system. After 30 * 40 minutes, system should be OK.
5. Run Network Server Diagnostic Utility and follow the instructions provided with the utility to verify core system operations.
6. Check battery.
7. Reset Cuda chip.
8. Reset logic board.
9. Replace power cord.
10. Replace power supply.
11. Replace powerplane interconnect board.
12. Replace logic board. Retain customer's DIMMs.
13. Replace processor card.
Symptom: System intermittently crashes or hangs
1. Verify that power cord is firmly connected.
2. Verify that power supply is properly seated.
3. Verify that rear drawer is properly seated.
4. Verify that all front drive trays are properly seated.
5. Verify system software is version 4.1.4 or later. (Refer to "Using AIX, AppleTalk Services, and Mac OS Utilities on the Network Server" for information on installing and using the operating system).
6. Run Network Server Diagnostic Utility and follow the instructions provided with the utility to verify core system operations.
7. Verify that system is using fast-paged mode, 60ns or faster RAM access time DIMMs.
8. Reseat processor card.
9. Reseat cache DIMM.
10. Remove all DRAM DIMMs and replace them one at a time to test. Replace any bad DIMMs.
11. Remove all PCI cards and test unit. If problem does not occur with cards removed, replace them one at a time to determine which card is causing the problem. Replace problem card with known-good card.
12. Replace logic board. Retain customer's DIMMs.
13. Replace processor card.
Symptom: System is inactive
1. Verify that power LED is on.
2. Check for three-digit error code on LCD panel. If display is not blank, refer to "Chapter 10: Troubleshooting" in "Using AIX, AppleTalk Services, and Mac OS Utilities on the Network Server" for possible error codes and recommended actions.
3. Verify that all cables are properly connected and secure.
4. Adjust brightness on monitor.
5. Use Control-D or Control-C to cancel any stalled processes.
6. Verify that key in rear drawer is in horizontal (locked) position.
7. Restart system.
8. Run Network Server Diagnostic Utility and follow the instructions provided with the utility to verify core system operations.
Symptom: Three-digit error code is displayed on LCD panel during startup process
For possible error codes and recommended actions, refer to "Chapter 10: Troubleshooting" of "Using AIX, AppleTalk Services, and Mac OS Utilities on the Network Server."