Performa & TelePort Gold II Modem: How It Draws Power (2/96)

I have a Macintosh Performa 6112CD which includes a Global Village TelePort Gold II modem. I want to use the modem with another Macintosh computer. How can I do this?
The Global Village TelePort Gold II modem draws power from the ninth pin on the serial connector. So, you cannot use this modem with a Macintosh which does not provide this type of serial port. Additionally, there are no solutions available to convert the Global Village TelePort Gold II modems to use an external power supply or ADB port as its power source. If you are using a Macintosh computer that does not provide this type of serial port, then you need to purchase another modem.

Alternatively, if the two computers are connected to each other in a network, you may be able to use third-party software that allows a modem to be shared across a network.

Article Change History:
27 Feb 1996 - Made minor wording change.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012