AppleShare Client 3.6.1: Speed Copy 1.1 Compatible Issue

On Connectix Corporation's World Wide Web site is a patch called AppleShare 3.6.x Patch. The documentation indicates this patch is posted to correct a compatibility issue with AppleShare Workstation v3.6.1 and Speed Copy 1.1.

Is this Connectix patcher modifying Apple code, an extension which can be removed, or modifying Speed Copy? This may cause a problem when troubleshooting, if Apple code is modified, because it will be difficult to set a computer to only Apple extensions and control panels.
The Connectix patcher is an extension and Read Me, and we were told, is needed for Speed Copy to work specifically with AppleShare Workstation v3.6.1. This patcher corrects a issue with files being corrupted during copy operations.

The patch is an extension that fixes the AppleShare Workstation 3.6.1 software in RAM by disabling the read and write caches. This results in performance loss when coping files to or from an AppleShare 4.2.x file server.

AppleShare Workstation v3.6.1 client software will be included in the next release of System System and System 7.5 Update 2.0, so this compatibility issue will be around for a while. This patcher is not expected to be required for AppleShare Workstation v3.6.2 which is included with the Workgroup Server 7250 and 8550 computers.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012