ISDN: Who To Contact For ISDN Service (3/96)

This article provides telephone company contact information for ISDN service.
ISDN service should be obtained from your local telephone provider. Below are telephone numbers for many of the telephone companies across the United States. Call the number corresponding to your local telephone provider.

NOTE: ISDN service is NOT available in all areas of the United States. Typically, you must be within about three miles of the central office equipment, so check with you telephone provider for more details.

Telephone Company Contact Information For ISDN Service
* Ameritech: 800-832-6328 (800-TEAM-DATA)

* Bell Atlantic: 800-570-4736 (800-570-ISDN)

* Bell South: 800-858-9413

* Cincinnati Bell: 513-566-3282 (513-566-DATA)

* GTE:
Menu driven information service: 800-4GTE-SW5
Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky: 800-483-5200
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania: 800-483-5600
Oregon and Washington: 800-483-5100
California: 800-483-5000
Hawaii: 800-643-4411
Texas: 800-483-5400

* Nevada Bell: 702-688-7124

* NYNEX: 800-438-4736 (800-GET-ISDN)

* Pacific Bell
ISDN Service Center: 800-472-4736 (800-4PB-ISDN)
ISDN Availability Hotline: 800-995-0346
ISDN Telemarketing (order information): 800-662-0735

* Rochester Telephone: 716-777-1234

* Southern New England Telephone (SNET)
Northern Section (Hartford): 800-243-2542
Southern Section (Stamford): 800-222-2555

* Southwestern Bell: 800-792-4736 (800-SWB-ISDN)

* US West
Arizona, New Mexico, Utah: 800-288-4044
Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming: 800-289-9091
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska: 800-999-2021
Oregon, Washington: 800-222-2121

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012