Open Transport 1.1: Developer Adoption Q & A (3/96)

This article is the Reference Q & A (questions and answers) on developer adoption for Open Transport 1.1.
Question: Which third party developers support Open Transport?

Answer: Seeding of Open Transport among developers began more than a year in advance of release, and reached more than 5,000 developers. Several hundred developers are actively working with Apple on development efforts.

The following software developers are among those who have announced support for Open Transport to date:

* Adobe Systems
* AG Group
* AGE Logic, Inc.
* Asant*
* Atomic Games
* Carnegie Mellon University
* CE Software
* Claris Corporation
* Dantz Development
* Delphic Software, Inc.
* Digital Ocean
* EveryWare Development Corp.
* Farallon Computing, Inc.
* Gradient Technologies
* HI Resolution Software
* Hughes Advanced Systems
* Intercon Systems, Inc.
* Maxum
* Mentat Inc.
* Metrowerks, Inc.
* Neon Software
* NetManage, Inc.
* NorthWestern University
* Novell
* Pacer Software
* Pole Position Software GmbH
* Progressive Networks
* Quark, Inc.
* Remedy Corp.
* Seaquest Software
* SoftArc
* StarNine Technologies, Inc.
* Starlight Networks
* Systematics Softworks GmbH
* The University of Michigan
* The Wollongong Group
* Thursby Systems Software, Inc
* Vicom Technology
* Wall Data
* White Pines

The following developers have announced support for both Open Transport and PCI on Power Macintosh:

* Asant*
* Attachmate
* Creative Solutions
* Dayna
* Digiboard
* Digital Equipment Corporation
* Efficient NW
* Farallon Computing, Inc.
* Focus
* Fore Systems, Inc.
* 4-Sight International Limited
* Hermstedt GmbH
* Innosys
* Interphase
* Newer Technology
* Neutral
* QLogic
* Rockwell
* SAT/Sagem
* SCii Telecom
* Silicon Valley Bus
* Spectra Systems
* Workstation Technologies

Article Change History:
08 Mar 1996 - Changed distribution status.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012