System 7.5 Update 2.0: FAQ-More Info & Other SW (6 of 6) (6/97)

This article provides the answers to commonly asked questions about System 7.5 Update 2.0. Specifically, this article provides information about the system requirements for and the availability of the update.
For More Information

Where can I get more information on the specific changes being made with System 7.5 Update 2.0?

Apple has provided a great deal of information on the changes that are delivered with this update. This information is distributed as part of the update. If you would like this information, please refer to the documents titled Installing This Update, New in This Update - 1, New in This Update - 2, and New in This Update - 3.

Other System Software Projects

1) What is Zhag and Zeus, and what are the differences between them?

Zhag and Zeus are code names for system software projects that are going on in parallel within Apple and are complementing each other. Both projects are delivering System 7.5 version 7.5.3, but the delivery mechanisms and components are different. The chart below provides a comparison.

Zhag Zeus
================================== ==================================
Zhag updates a Macintosh to system Zeus ships on PCI-based Power
software version 7.5 Macintosh computers as system
software version 7.5.3

Has same functionality as a Has same functionality as a comparable Macintosh system comparable Macintosh system
running Zeus running Zhag

Requires installation over an Will come preinstalled on new existing System Folder PCI-based Power Macintosh
computers beginning this spring

Distributed via online services, Only bundled with certain new the the Internet, and a fulfillment Macintosh systems. Eventually, program managed by Apple (where all Macintosh systems will ship you can order the update on with 7.5.3, but they will not
CDs or floppies) necessarily be the same as Zeus,
which has specific system
components for specific computers

Updates any system running 7.5, Is only qualified to run on certain 7.5.1,or 7.5.2 because it new computers
just has the components needed for
those computers

Will be introduced first in the U.S. Will first appear on new PCI-based in March, and in most countries Power Macintosh computers in the
over the next few months spring

Specific details on the differences between Zeus and Zhag, including the additional bug fixes and the different components are included in an article in the Tech Info Library.

2) What is Unity-1, and how does it differ with Zhag?

Unity-1 is code name for the reference release that Apple is working on that will be used to update the version of System 7.5 that we sell in retail stores. This product is typically purchased by customers who are running pre*System 7.5 versions of our system software, and want to upgrade to System 7.5. Unity-1 will update this retail product so that customers buying this product in the stores will be buying our latest version of System 7.5: 7.5.3. Unity-1 can be installed on a hard drive with no existing System Folder, and will include bootable disks. OpenDoc is expected to be bundled with this product. As of 2/1/96, release of Unity is expected to be in the early spring. Claris Corporation will distribute Unity-1 as an updated version of Macintosh System 7.5.

3) When will Zhag be available in Japan and the Far East?

Japan and the Far East will not be localizing Zhag, but instead will be delivering these improvements to their customers with a localized version of the Unity-1 system software release. The schedule of this release is being worked out and more details will be available in the coming months.

4) Can I install Zhag over Zeus?


Published Date: Feb 18, 2012