AShare Client/Win: Port Address Not Shown In Installer

During the installation for the AppleShare Client for Windows (ASCW), the installer asks me for the port address and interrupt request (IRQ) for my network interface card (NIC). None of the settings in the list match the port address for my NIC. How do I tell the ASCW the proper port address?
The installer does not provide every possible port address setting for every network interface card. If your port address does not appear in the list, you will have to manually change this setting after installation is complete. This setting is stored in NET.CFG, a text file located in the directory in which you installed the ASCW.

Step 1
Proceed with the installation for the ASCW and select any port address from the list when asked to choose one.

Step 2
After installation is complete, go to your ASCW directory (the default directory is C:\\apple\\a_share).

Step 3
Use a text editor to open NET.CFG.

Step 4
Find the line labelled PORT #1.

Step 5
Replace the value you selected during installation with the proper port address for your NIC.

Step 6
Save the change you made.

Step 7
Restart your computer.

This article was published in the Information Alley on 27 March 1996.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012