PowerBook: Error Waking From Sleep w/ System 7.5 Updt 2.0 (1/97)

I just installed System 7.5 Update 2.0, and now every time my PowerBook comes out of sleep I get a Type 8 error. What's going on?

A Type 8 error dialog is displayed immediately after waking from sleep on certain models of PowerBook computers.

Connectix RAM Doubler version 1.6.1 or earlier is incompatible with System 7.5.3 (System 7.5 plus the System 7.5 Update 2.0) on 680x0-based PowerBook computers. This does not include the PowerPC-based PowerBook computers.*

1) Remove RAM Doubler. You can use Apple's Virtual Memory if necessary.

2) Remove the System 7.5 Update file. This is not recommended because
this will eradicate some features that the update provides

3) Reinstall the previous version of the system software.

This issue has been fix with System 7.5.3 Revision 2. You can find this software on Apple Computer's online software update sites.

These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here:

- "Where To Find Apple Software Updates" -- Lists online services for free Apple software updates.

- "Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA" -- Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple support information, and a subset of the Apple Tech Info Library.

* The following computers are in the PowerPC-based PowerBook computer family: PowerBook 5300, 5300c, 5300ce, 5300cs, 2300c, 1400c, and 1400cs. Additionally PowerBook 200 and 500 series computers which have PowerPC upgrade cards installed are included in the PowerPC-based PowerBook computer family.

This article was published in the Information Alley on 25 March 1996.

Article Change History:
20 Jan 1997 - Added info about PPC PowerBook computers.
15 Jun 1996 - Added System 7.5.3 Revision 2 information.
26 Mar 1996 - Added Info Alley information.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012