The drivers in the following list are included in Windows NT 3.51 and are supported by Microsoft.
LaserWriter Plus
LaserWriter 16/600
LaserWriter Pro 600
LaserWriter Pro 630
LaserWriter Pro 810
LaserWriter Select 360
LaserWriter IINT
LaserWriter IINTX
LaserWriter IIf
LaserWriter IIg
Personal LaserWriter NTR
In addition, Windows NT 3.51 printer drivers are available from Apple for the following LaserWriter printers:
LaserWriter 8500
LaserWriter 12/640 PS
LaserWriter 16/600 PS
LaserWriter Pro 600
LaserWriter Pro 630
LaserWriter Select 360
Color LaserWriter 12/600 PS
Color LaserWriter 12/660 PS
This software is available as a part of the LaserWriter software for Windows NT on the Apple Software Updates sections. Installation instructions are available in the read me file.
For information about driver availability with Windows NT 4.0, please refer to the TIL Article 20528:
LaserWriters: Driver Availability for Windows NT 4.0".