Apple Media Tool 2.0: Use 256 Colors for Windows Compile

I am trying to run a compiled Apple Media Tool (AMT) 2.0 program on the Power Macintosh 6100/DOS Compatible computer. The project runs fine under the Mac OS, however the Windows version of the compile, which plays fine on a Windows computer, quits with the following error:

"The display device does not support 640x480 pixels and 65536 colorsor 0 colorsor 256 colors!

Please re-set the device and restart Windows."

The project is set to default to 256 colors if thousands of colors cannot be accomplished. This is done through the runtime setup menu.
When you set your preference options for AMT, you must set the color depth to 256 colors as the first option. You must also make sure the the driver is set to 256 colors on the 6100/DOS compatible. It cannot be set for 16 colors and it will not do any thing above 256 colors, so 256 is your only option.

This article was published in the Information Alley on 1 April 1996.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012