Pascal Profile Manager (PPM): Using it with Pascal 1.3

Pascal Profile Manager (PPM) does work under Pascal 1.3.

Replace the following files with the 1.3 equivalent: SYSTEM.APPLE,
SYSTEM.PASCAL, and SYSTEM.ATTACH. Moreover, since CHAINSTUFF 1.2 doesn't work
with Pascal 1.3, it's a good idea to use the 1.3 SYSTEM.LIBRARY.

The only problem with PPM and 1.3 is not being able to use the X)tended
although its functions can be duplicated by using the F)iler for normal stuff
and then X)ecuting PPM.CODE for the extra functions.

The most recent version of Backup II, version 1.1.1, fully supports 3.5 disks
for backing Profiles and works well with disks containing Pascal Areas.

Backup II 1.1.1 is available on many consumer information services (e.g.
Compuserve, Source, Genie, etc.).

Apple Pascal 1.3 and the Pascal Profile Manager are not compatible with the
SCSI drive, the Apple HD20 SC. We are not aware of any existing software
driver to allow Apple Pascal 1.3 to recognize the HD20 SC.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012